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soap was produced by boiling wood ash lye and fats together

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To be sanitary, to sell, to wash when bathing...

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Q: Why did people need soap in colonial times?
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What did colonial people use soap for?

Some people made home-made lye soap, but soap was also available in the stores if you could afford it.

Why is salt used in the extraction solution?

This has been done since Colonial times in America: It hardens the soap somewhat, so it doesn't get "mushy" in the soap dish.

What was the job of a chandler in colonial times?

The duties of a chandler were making candles. They were peasants.. by yo yo $#@!

Who needs soap?

People Who need soap 1.smelly people 2.dirty people 3.people who work with sewage 4.chefs who cook fish

Why they invented soap?

Soap has been around since the dark ages. but not many people used it. Queen Elizabeth the First herself only bathed maybe twice a yr. they prefered to "bath" in perfume. When the plague came around many people died b/c they didn't use soap. After they figured out the cleaner people were less likely to get the plague, they started using soap. I'm not sure if any one knows who invented soap itself.... scented soap was created in the 1700's during the colonial times by women who wanted to smell pretty. lol. and they made quiet a profit at it too.

What did people use for soap during the industrial revolution?

In the Colonial times, many people brought over supplies from Europe. The Colonists needed to be sanitary, so they made soap from natural substances. Colonial soap was made using two key ingredients: lye, which colonists made from the ash of wood fires, and fat, which was the byproduct of butchering animals.

I need a bar graph on which soap is better. Liquid or bar soap?

liquid soap is better because who wants to use someone old nasty bar soap with all of that sick sweat for other people not me

What are the soap makers tools in colonial days?

Fat and lye made from wood ashes.

Did the people have soap in medieval times?

no... because by that time there was no such thing as soap they may have used water or rain water. i do know that they used their urine to clean their feet to take off the germs and soak it in water after.

Can soap bubbles kill ticks?

No you need a special soap.

How many times is soap mentioned in the bible?

The word "soap" is in the King James Version of the Bible 2 times. It is in 2 verses.

Was there soap in the Medieval Times?

no soap was not invented yet! actually it was it was made of pig lard