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Here Jesus was baptized, the holy spirit came on him as s dove , and God spoke from heavem , all three were there.

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Angela Monday

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what was the manifestation of the trinity at the baptism of Jesus Christ

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Q: How were all 3 person of the trinity present at Jesus baptism?
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Jesus Christ is the son of God. The second person in the Holy Trinity.

What is baptism and what do you receive in it?

First of all baptism in the Christian sense is the immersion or sprinkling of a person by water. It is a sign of what has gone on in the heart of a person. It is an outward profession on an inward faith in Jesus Christ. In order to receive baptism, a person must accept Jesus as his Savior and then that person can be baptized.

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In modern Christian belief, established by the Council of Nicaea, Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity.

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Baptism in Christian churches can be in the name of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) or in the name of Christ, depending on the denomination.

Why do some use father son holy ghost instead of simply the name Jesus in baptism?

Because that is the trinity. Jesus is only one third of that. We have to add the other two as well.

What name was Jesus baptised in?

Jesus received the baptism of John, which was a baptism, or ritual washing, of repentance or renewal. This baptism did not involve the invocation of a name necessarily, though various old testament names for God could have been ritually uttered. It is the Baptism that Jesus institutes later that is in "the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit" or in the name of the Most Blessed Trinity. Matthew 3:13 "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him"

Did Christ's baptism take place in the name of the trinity?

No, because the Trinity was unknown to men at that time, since Jesus the Son was first revealed at that time, and the Holy Spirit had not come upon men until Pentecost (except for certain holy men at various times). John the Baptist baptized men for repentance of sin (which Jesus had no sin but stated that He was doing this as an example of what He wanted His followers to do). God the Father spoke from heaven at His baptism and revealed that He was pleased in Jesus His Son.

Which person of the Trinity is most emphasized in the Nicene Creed and Apostle's Creed?

The Son of God, Jesus Christ is the person of the trinity most emphasized in the Creeds.

What are the 3 Christian principles from pentecostal viewpoint?

It depends on whether the Christian is apostolic or not Pentecostals believe in the trinity and the baptism of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues apostolics believe in the oneness of God that Jesus is the God of the old testament manifested in the flesh, the baptism in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and the baptism of the Holy Ghost this fulfilling the commandment of Jesus in Matt 28:19.

Who saw Jesus's baptism?

God Almighty from heaven and John the Baptist who baptised him. There were also present Pharisees and Sadducees to whom John was talking and baptising, Probably they also saw Jesus' baptism. (Matthew 3)