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Freud would say that schizophrenia was caused by a dysfunctional family or childhood trauma that manifested in adulthood as schizophrenia. Poor family relationships can affect the way that a child perceives reality and interacts with the world.

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Q: How would Freud explain schizophrenia?
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How would you explain schizophrenia to a young child?

"Schizophrenia is a disease that makes you not be able to think very well. If you have schizophrenia, you might think that people are trying to hurt you even if they aren't. You also might hear or see things that aren't there."

Can you explain freud's concept of eros and thanatos?

According to Sigmund Freud, humans have a life instinct-which he named "Eros"-and a death drive, which is commonly called (though not by Freud himself) "Thanatos".

How would a biological psychologist explain the symptoms of a schizophrenia patient?

A biological psychologist would say that people with schizophrenia act like they do because of abnormalities in the brain. Hallucinations might be attributed to abnormalities of the temporal lobe. Breakdown of the frontal lobe may cause disorganized behavior.

How do you file a case against wife who is a divorcee and suffers from schizophrenia?

A case for what? Please explain.

What is sigmund freuds theory on schizophrenia?

For many years now there has been a continuing and sustained criticism of Freud's (1911) hypothesis that the basic disorder in schizophrenia consists in the patient's inability to maintain the libidinal cathexis of objects. The fact that patients suffering from the two principal types of schizophrenia present signs of real and fantasy object relationships has been taken as evidence that the illness cannot be based on a decathexis of object representations. This contradiction is easily dispelled if account is taken of the real likelihood that these object relationships, which are mostly of a pathological kind, represent a spontaneous tendency towards recovery. They are therefore secondary to the primary disorder and a reaction to it. In the original theory Freud (1911) described the flight of the libidinal cathexis from the love object in schizophrenia as a form of repression. After the introduction of the structural theory (Freud, 1923) he dropped the term 'repression'

How do you use schizophrenia in a sentence?

Schizophrenia is a noun, so you use it as you would any other noun (when it is appropriate). Example: Joe developed schizophrenia last spring.

How was Freud influenced by the Romantic Movement?

Freud was influenced by the Romantic Movement through its emphasis on the exploration of individual emotions, desires, and complexities of human nature. This influenced Freud's interest in the unconscious mind and the importance of understanding and exploring the inner world of the individual. Freud's work on psychoanalysis was inspired by the Romantic Movement's focus on introspection and self-exploration.

What is adolescent schizophrenia?

Paranoid schizophrenia is a mental health disorder in which the person believes that he or she is being persecuted when he or she is not, shows a pervasive (continuing) pattern of this, and has those beliefs when most people would say that there is no reason to believe that the person is being persecuted. If John believed that people at work were trying to hurt him and were always talking behind his back, then that would be an indication that John had paranoid schizophrenia. Paranoid adolescent schizophrenia would be paranoid schizophrenia in teenagers, not in adults.

What is the connection between Hamlet and Everyman and Mankind?

Freud's theory of the Oedipus complex might explain Hamlet's behavior.

Is schizophrenia terminal?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. It is not a condition that causes any sort of physical sickness that would lead to death.

What type of schizophrenia is an inappropriate affective behavior?

This would probably be hebephrenic schizophrenia (also known as disorganized schizophrenia). However, all types of schizophrenia by definition have inappropriate affect. Hebephrenia is simply the most obvious and severe form that is based on an affective disorder.

Can traumatic events cause schizophrenia?

Yes, trauma can cause schizophrenia. There are plently of articles online, if you would like to know more about this.