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Competition, prioritization and reconciliation are all possible responses when one hive's colonists witness two bees doing different waggle dances. The performances in question communicate information about foraging routes to nectar- and pollen-filled flowering plants. The hive's foragers may decide to discredit, merge or rank the information depending upon how divided or united the residents are in the availability and division of foods and tasks.

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Q: How would a hive respond to two bees doing different waggle dances?
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The first bees to find a flower do so by chance. If there appears to be a good supply of nectar, on return to the hive the bee will give samples of the nectar to other forages so they can identify the type of flower, and will perform the 'waggle dance' where the bee moves round on the comb in a circle or figure-of-eight pattern, stopping at points and rapidly vibrating, or waggling, her abdomen. The angle between the direction the bee is facing when waggling and the vertical gives the direction of the source with respect to the sun, and the duration of the waggle is proportionate to the distance.

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Good dance songs?

Urm i have done allot of dances and i think it should be just dance, it relly dippends on what theme your doing