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Q: How would you explain to someone who is not a believer such as an atheist?
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Can an atheist become a preacher at christ church?

An atheist would have no interest in being a preacher. It doesn't make sense for one to become a preacher. If someone who claims to be an atheist, becomes a preacher, then they weren't an atheist.

Difference between theist atheist constructive vs destructive questioning of faith?

Theist=Believer Atheist=believes in no higher being at all. This is it-mindset. Constructive question means you question to get answers that would strenthen your faith. Destructive is quite the opposite.

Is a non-believer also an atheist?

Not strictly, no. Many would call atheists the ultimatenonbeliever (in a Creator, that is), but the term is usually for anyone who doesn't believe in the same spiritual manner and Creator as you.

How would you explain to someone who is not a believer such as an atheist how it was possible for the Red Sea to part the way it did?

A:This is a hard one. We only have the story of Exodus to say that it happened, so if the non-believer or atheist doubts the veracity of the Book of Exodus, then the argument would seem lost. If only there were some geological evidence that showed that the Red Sea did indeed part, or if we could recover the remains of the thousands of Egyptians, or even a few fifteenth-century-BCE chariots, lost when the Red Sea returned, then the non-believer would probably have to reconsider. Another problem is that the respected Israeli archaeologist, Israel Finkelstein, says that over 90 per cent of scholars believe there never was an Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible. Without an Exodus, we may have to accept that the Red Sea was never really parted like this. The best explanation is to say that the parting of the Red Sea is a matter of faith and therefore outside the realm of science or history.

Which of the following is a term for a person who does not share the religious beliefs of the dominant society?

A heathen

What defense does Socrates give to prove he is not an atheist?

Why would someone need to defend themselves? Socrates was a great thinker; therefore, he was most llikely an Atheist. Most great thinkers are.

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Are most Jewish parents okay if their kid dates an atheist?

Yes, the majority of Jewish parents wouldn't have an issue with their children dating an atheist. More religious parents would want their children to date an atheist Jew as opposed to someone non-Jewish.

Would your kids be atheist if your boyfriend is atheist?

No, unless you raise them to be athiest.

Can someone explain to me how to do an integer?

Certainly, if you will tell us what you would like to do to it.

How would you explain something to someone you had never met?

The best way to explain something to someone you have never met is to break it down into pieces. You can look for common areas of interests and use them to explain the situation.

Has atheism produced someone like William Shakespeare?

Probably; for much of history (including in Shakespeare's time) it was illegal to be an atheist, so most non-believers would probably keep very quiet about it! In more recent times; several Nobel literature laureates are openly atheists and one of the greatest philosophers in history (Bertrand Russell) was also a non-believer.