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"a footstep follower of Christ"

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Q: How would you respond if someone where to ask you what is a Christian?
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Wikianswers is a public community. Anyone can ask questions and anyone can answer them. If you have any question you can post it in wikianswers and someone who knows the answer to your question would respond.

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Yes, this is because were able to show emotions toward each other and ask questions. For example, I could ask someone where the bathroom was and they would respond. This would help me in society, such as getting around and communicating with friends and family :)

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That depends on who you ask. If you ask a Christian, he/she would most likely say that he is "loving and just", but if you asked me, I would say he is "evil and immoral".

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I would think you would ask someone older then you out the same way that you'd ask anyone else out.