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Women should observe the same hygienic practices during menstruation as during other days of the month. Myths abound about menstruation.

Truths, is okay:

  • It is okay to get into bath water. In fact the warm water can help soothe irritation caused by having blood on the skin.
  • Women often like getting washed in the morning because during sleep, menstrual blood can pool and cake into the pubic hair and can leak onto underwear.
  • Never leave the same tampon in for days.
  • It is okay to have sex during menstruation but the drainage may be heavier after intercourse, so a woman may want to wash immediately after and the following day.
  • Yeast infection is possible during menstruation. Yeast looks like white cottage cheese; during menstruation the yeast will be covered in blood but it is still yeast.
  • A tub bath can temporarily increase cramps. A cold pack on the belly after a bath can help.
  • Perfumed powders or scented sprays do little to cover up perceived odors. They can also sting or burn. Perceived odors are rarely if ever noticed by anyone else.
  • A woman during menstruation can sometimes "smell" her own blood, even fully dressed, but that doesn't mean anyone else smells you.
  • If you do not wash daily, you can start smelling. This is because bacteria increase the ratio of "odor". Urine can also increase the odors.
  • More cramping than usual during menstruation can indicate a problem.
  • Changing pads or tampons frequently can avoid spill-overs, accidents, and can increase comfort while decreasing odors.
  • Blood clots are common during menstruation. If they are larger than dime-size, or are heavy, see a doctor.
  • Fibroids can cause heavier menstruation.
  • A period should not last for weeks.
  • Blood from a woman with HIV can infect a partner.
  • A woman in menstruation can also sweat more, so pay attention to your underarms. Underarm sweat is much more noticeable to other people.

Not true:

  • It is not necessary to put water, soap, or douche into the vagina to remove blood. The vagina is mostly a self-cleaning area, meaning that gravity and normal body mechanisms help keep the vagina clean.
  • Menstruation should not cause putrid odors, but a trich infection during menstruation can cause terrible odor.
  • Women do not need to avoid sex if she and her partner are okay with it. Put an old towel on the bed though to avoid a mess.
  • Women are not "unclean" during menstruation. (Re: Bible verses)
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12y ago

When you are on your period, you should make sure you wash your vagina more. Also , if you find that there is an fishy smell , try put a bit of deodorant on your thighs.

Unless the fishy smell is like rottenfish because then you have a infection. Normal vaginas smells a bit like fish. And use a soap with PH as close to the skins own as possible.No perfumed.

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12y ago
  • Bathe daily to prevent yourself from smelling.
  • Change pads at least every four hours, to prevent odor and stained clothing.
  • Use pads throughout the day and night.
  • Do not keep on the same pad for days.
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12y ago

Hygiene is very important during your menstrual period because during that time you are going through puberty. And puberty involves sweat. And sweat involves stink. Have you ever smelled your armpits during puberty after a good long work out of some kind? Not pretty. So after the day, make sure you wash real good. Thanks bye!

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11y ago

As usual. There is no difference just because you are menstruating.

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7y ago

During a menstrual cycle your body releases a lot of discharge, blood clots and other things. This could cause odour issues or infection so it is best to keep the vaginal area clean.

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Why is menstrual hygiene important?

Hygiene in general is important to stay clean and healthy. During menstruation menstrual flow can change vaginal pH and menstrual flow can also be favourable to bacterial growth so maintaining hygiene and managing flow is all the more important. During menstruation poor hygiene can increase risk of bad odour and vaginal infections, also not changing tampons often enough risks TSS.

Feminine hygiene while you have menstruation?

Feminine hygiene is important specially during menstrual periods due to the increased risk of bacterial infections during these "periods". Maintaining proper hygiene can be done by using feminine hygiene products such as pads, tampons, washes etc.

Do's and don't's of personal hygiene?

There are so many safety tips for personal hygiene. The two most important safety tips are washing hands before touching food and avoiding to touch your hair or face during meal times.

Why is it important for females to practice menstrual hygiene?

In general it's important to practice good hygiene to prevent odour and stay clean, during menstruation the presence of menstrual blood can increase risk of odour and vaginal infections. If a woman uses tampons there is greater risk of infection and of contracting TSS so she needs to change tampons every 4-6 hours and alternate with pads to maintain hygiene.

What is the use of menstrual hygiene?

Well good hygiene for that is to wash the vagina everyday to keep it clean. Be sure to change your pad every time you go to the restroom. If you use a tampon remember to change it out every 4-6 hours. Always keep the pubic area clean and wash your hands after changing your pad/tampon. Hope that helped

How do you maintain hygiene during menses?

Maintaining hygiene during menstruation is not much different to maintaining hygiene at any other time during your menstrual cycle, contrary to common belief menstruation is not dirty or unhygienic. Wash daily with water only, and use appropriate menstrual products like pads, tampons or cups. Be sure to change your menstrual products at appropriate times, even if not full tampons and pads should be changed every 4-6 hours and cups every 12 hours.

Does menstruation occurs after conceiving?

No, conception isn't possible during menstruation. During menstruation there is no egg present to be fertilised, although it's important to point out that a woman may still be fertile during menstruation: there may be fertile cervical mucus present, which can keep sperm alive in the vagina long enough so that there is still sperm present when a woman ovulates after menstruation.

Why hygiene is important for 0-16 years?

Hygiene is important all throughout one's life, however during the critical years of childhood, one's body has not yet built up immunity to many diseases and thus personal hygiene become crucial. By the time one is an adult, one's body has had time to build it's defenses against many diseases and so while hygiene is still very important to one's health, it is generally less fatal.

No bleeding during menstruation?

Yes there is bleeding during menstruation

What is the Personal hygiene during circumcision?

Circumcision should be performed in a sterile environment to prevent dirt and germs.

When did people begin to wash their hands?

I believe it was during the Plague, but hopefully it will regain popularity, along with personal hygiene.

Is the egg released during menstruation?

No, the egg isn't released during menstruation. The egg is released during ovulation, which typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, if the egg isn't fertilised then this leads to menstruation.