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If you have pain below your belly button and just above your groin, you could be either pregnant (pregnancy discomfort) or growing some cancer (testicular cancer for men).

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Q: I have pain below my belly button and just above my groin whats wrong?
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What is abdomenopelvic?

Is the region that includes the abdomen and the pelvis: belly and groin

Do pregnant woman only get the dark line when there pregnant?

Do you mean the dark line running from your belly button to your groin? This can occur during pregnancy but some women also have this line when they are not pregnant.

What do you feel when your appendix hurts?

In the early stages of appendicitis the pain may be felt in the central belly area, then as the appendix gets more inflamed the area of pain gets narrowed down to a spot in the RIGHT lower region of the abdomen above the inguinal or groin area and between the right hip bone and your belly button. If you press down on that spot you will get a sharp pain. Other symptoms of appendicitis are loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Can they pierce your belly button if it has a pulse?

no as they can also not pierce your heart. NOTE: There is no "pulse point" at the belly button. A pulse point is a specific location on the body where the "pulse" (the beat produced by blood flowing through arteries) can be felt. For example: the inside of either wrist; each side of the neck; the brachial pulse in each upper arm; the femoral, each side of the groin; popliteal behind the knees; and one on the top of each foot. The belly has a fat layer. You'd have to go deeper than that fat layer to any major blood vessels.

Where do inguinal hernias occur in the abdominocrural crease?

Hernias above the abdominocrural crease are inguinal (latin, groin) and those arising below the crease are femoral (Latin, thigh) or crural (Latin, leg). -Schwartz

How do you have fat in your groin?

You have fat everywhere on your body, the amount varies with the person. Males tend to carry their excess fat in the belly and pubic area.

How do you spell groin?

You have spelled it correctly, groin.The groin is the small area just above the thighs and before the lower abdomen.He pulled a muscle in his groin.An inguinal hernia occurs in the groin.NOTE: An easy way to remember the location of the groin, on both sides, is to think of where the elastic of normal underwear sits, in the dip just above the thighs.

How many chakra points are in the human body?

there are seven main Chakra points in the body. 1) in the groin area (red) 2) near your belly button (orange) 3) close to your diaphragm (yellow) 4) the heart Chakra (green) 5) the throat area (blue) 6) your "third eye" (purple) 7) technically it isn't in your body. white is above the head However with that being said, every little joint is also a minor Chakra point.

What does it mean if you have a sore groin?

sore groin ,groin muscle pain

What medical term means above or upon the stomach?

Subgastric or hypogastric means below the stomach.The proper medical term to pertaining below the stomach is "sub-gastric"

How to spell oink in french?

groin, groin