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Jesus rose from the dead within three days, and not after the elapsing of a FULL three days. He died on the Friday, near the onset of the Sabbath day (the Saturday). His Body lay in the tomb (sepulchre) provided by Joseph of Arimathea for the whole of the Sabbath day. He rose from the dead during the early hours of the following day (the Sunday). Note that the Jewish reckoning of days at that time was from sunset to sunset (one day ended and the other began at sunset). The traditional reckoning is that His Body remained in the tomb for a period of 40 hours before His Resurrection.

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He was crucified on Friday-1st day, Saturday was the 2nd day, Sunday was the 3rd day. Scripture does not say three full days. Matthew 20:19 and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third he will be raised to life!"

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Q: Why do Christians celebrate Jesus resurrection only 2 days after His death?
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