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If his fee is a percentage of your debt - he can charge it until the whole debt is repaid !

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Q: If a case is settled and monthly payments are issued how long can an attorney charge his percentage fee?
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What is better debt settlement or consolidation?

Hello There,Honestly it depends on your financial situation. In nutshell1. If you are paying all your monthly payments on time, you think the interest rate is very high, You are VERY concerned about your credit scores, you dont mind paying the complete amount.... just want the interest rates to be lower and the monthly payments slightly down, cannot afford to talk to creditors or collectors on phone..... then Debt Consolidation is the option for you.2. If you CANNOT afford your monthly payments at all, you are late on payments, or you are somehow managing to pay the minimums... If your credit scores are not the top priority in your life, if you are considering to file for a bankruptcy, then opt for Debt Settlement.Thanks!This is not legal advice...... Answer: {| |- | The most common debt relief options are: debt consolidation and debt settlement. Debt consolidation has a minimal effect on your credit. Debt settlement will have a larger effect on your credit. When a debt is settled for less than its full value, the creditor will note that on your credit report. |}

How do you petition the courts to remove spouse name after a divorce?

That issue should be settled at the time of the divorce. It should be made a part of the divorce decree. If it wasn't then you need to consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options.That issue should be settled at the time of the divorce. It should be made a part of the divorce decree. If it wasn't then you need to consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options.That issue should be settled at the time of the divorce. It should be made a part of the divorce decree. If it wasn't then you need to consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options.That issue should be settled at the time of the divorce. It should be made a part of the divorce decree. If it wasn't then you need to consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options.

What percent of the money does a lawyer make on a settled law suit?

This is negotiated between the lawyer and the client at the time of retaining the lawyer. It has no set limit either high or low.The attorney will want to charge based on what costs are expected, how much time will be involved, and how many staff will be required.

Can child support payments be raised after the final divorce papers are settled?

Yes, if there's a substantial change in the obligor's income, or in the needs of the child.

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Does liability insurance save a church from liability suits.

If a daughter has a power of attorney and if her mother dies should the property be divided among daughters or will it remain in the hands of the single daughter?

Having the power of attorney should only apply while the mother is alive, after that the estate is settled with a will and if there is no will can be contested in a court.

Where can you find a good disability attorney in Ontario?

A good disability attorney in Ontario is Mark Yazdani. He represents disabled individuals in lawsuits against many insurance companies. What is great about him is he is does not give upfront fees, you can pay after your case has been settled in court.

How do you find out how many cases your attorney has fought and how many he has won?

There are no scores kept except by the attorney. You could search the court records, but it won't be accurate since most cases are settled out of court and many are sealed so you won't be able to tell who won.

My uncle refuses to buy my deceased fathers half of business or give me money for owning half. I can't afford an attorney what can I do?

You need to consult with an attorney. You must find the money to pay for an initial visit if the business is worth any considerable sum. The attorney can review your situation and determine what your options are. The business may be valuable enough for the attorney to wait until the case has been settled for payment.

Why did you receive a workers compensation lien conference hearing when case has already been settled?

NOTE: Laws vary from state to state. You should consult with an attorney in your area. If you were represented by an attorney in the action to which your question refers, call that attorney first.Generally, a WC settlement is the agreement that declares what your work-related injuries are, how much they are worth, and how much the insurance company has to pay.A "lien conference" probably refers to a determination of the liens against the settlement. Those liens have to be paid from the settlement proceeds before you get your check, generally.