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None legally binding test? Yes. Legally binding? No in 20 states and a 24 month statute of limitations in the other 30. See related links.

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Q: If a father has his last name on babies birth certificate can he have parternity test later?
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Related questions

Does the father have to sign the birth certificate in the hospital?

I know that in the state of pennsylvania, the father must be present to sign the babies birth certificate in order for the baby to have the fathers last name.

Can a father still sign a birth certificate if he is over age?

yes, it doesn't matter how old they are they could still sign a birth sa tificate so long as he is the babies father.

Should I put the babies father's last name on birth certificate?

No, you should not but the baby's father's last name on the birth certificate. Also, it is better to put your last name anyways because of legal matters, social relations, and less questions will have to be answered in the future. Although the child does not need to have its father's last name the father's full name should be stated on the birth certificate so the father will be identified in the vital records.

Does Father payments if name not on birth certificate?

It is possible to legally establish paternity even if the father's name is not on the birth certificate.

How can a take off a father's name on a birth certificate if the father an illegal alien?

You can't remove a father's name from a birth certificate if he is the father, whether he's an illegal alien or not.

Who is the legal father of your child the man you are married to or the man on the birth certificate?

The man on the birth certificate.

Can you put his name on the birth certificate if he cant sign the birth certificate?

Putting a father's name on the birth certificate does not make him legally the father if you are not married to him. You can put his name on the birth certificate, but realize that it has no legal impact. In order to have paternity established, it has to be done with a court order.

What happens if a step father is listed on birth certificate?

Generally, the man on the birth certificate is the child's legal father, unless/until proven otherwise.

Can the birth father later reverse the adoption of your son if he is not on the birth certificate?


Can bio-mother add step father to birth certificate without notifying biological father and step father not adopted child?

no, changing the birth certificate requires adoption, and can only be done if the birth father's parental rights have been terminated.

Does a 16 yr old mother have to put the father's name on the birth certificate in TN if they are no longer together. Do you just leave the question blank on the birth certificate?

The father's name goes on the birth certificate only if he signs an acknowledgment of paternity.

Can you leave a blank spot on a birth certificate?

Yes you can leave the spot blank for instance a father. I am a teacher and have many children in my class who have no father listed on their birth certificate.