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a hypertonic solution. that way the water moves out of the cell and into the extracellular space.

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Q: If a patient has edema swollen hands and feet would you give them hypertonic or hypotonic solution?
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A solution that contains a lower solute concentration than the cytoplasm of a cell is called?

This cell would be described as hypotonic. That means the higher osmotic pressure is in the cell and it is swollen because water is going down its concentration gradient into the cell and is less concentrated out side the cell.

What happens to a plant cell if it is place in a hypotonic solution?

Osmosis works for any type of cell. Because of a lower concentration of solute inside the cell then out, the water would rush to where the solute is in an attempt to make it even. It would retain its shape because of its cell wall making it rigid which is absent in animal cells which is prone to swelling and making it burst.

How does hypertonic affect an plant cell?

hypertonic means the cell has too much water, it's become water logged. In an animal cell the cell will rupture, however the cell wall of the plant cell with prevent this from happening and the plant cell with become swollen.

Has swollen ankles and signs of degenerating organ functions What is the likely diagnosis?

If a patient has swollen ankles and signs of degenerating organ functions, this likely means they have a problem with their kidneys. It could also mean they are having heart problems.

Patient was admitted to the hospital suffering from the following symptoms for the past week fever chills and weakness very swollen tender lymph nodes of bubo and skin ulcerations. He states the ulcer?

Could be plague. Check with the doctor immediately.

Related questions

When plant cells are swollen with water they are what?

Plants swell when hypertonic in hypotonic solutions of impermeable materials

A solution that contains a lower solute concentration than the cytoplasm of a cell is called?

This cell would be described as hypotonic. That means the higher osmotic pressure is in the cell and it is swollen because water is going down its concentration gradient into the cell and is less concentrated out side the cell.

What happens to plant cells when placed in a hypotonic solution?

When a plant cell is placed in an hypotonic solution it becomes swollen and hard. The cell takes in water by osmosis and starts to swell, but the cell wall prevents it from bursting.

What happen if cell is placed in hypotonic solution?

When a plant cell is placed in a hypo tonic solution it undergoes endosmosis thus the cell becomes turgid but in case of animal cell due to the absence of cell wall the cell may not withhold the turgour pressure and might blast.

Erythrocytes show various form of haemolysis in a hypotonic solution?

rbcs usually becomes swollen or haemolyse in hypotonic solution, this is due to osmosis. In this case, the concentration of solute is more inside the rbc, hence it exerts osmotic pressure which draws water from lower osmotic solution. The rbc swells to its limit because of its biconcave structure and burst after crossing its limit (haemolysis)

What happens to a plant cell if it is place in a hypotonic solution?

Osmosis works for any type of cell. Because of a lower concentration of solute inside the cell then out, the water would rush to where the solute is in an attempt to make it even. It would retain its shape because of its cell wall making it rigid which is absent in animal cells which is prone to swelling and making it burst.

How does hypertonic affect an plant cell?

hypertonic means the cell has too much water, it's become water logged. In an animal cell the cell will rupture, however the cell wall of the plant cell with prevent this from happening and the plant cell with become swollen.

Can you explain osmosis?

Osmosis the the diffusion of molecules across a semi-permeable membrane. For diffusion, think of a cube of sugar in a glass of water. eventually the sugar molecules will be evenly distributed throughout the glass of water. If this were osmosis the cube of sugar would be on one side of a membrane (all of which is submerged underwater), and if the holes in the membrane are big enough, then the sugar will cross the membrane from the sugar side to the side with no sugar. Osmosis is biologically relevant because for a cell to function properly it needs to keep certain molecules inside the cell or outside, depending on what it wants to do. It has three solutions hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic. Isotonic, the solutions being compared have equal concentration of solutes. The cells were diluted in serum: Note the beautiful biconcave shape of the cells as they circulate in blood. Hypertonic, the solution with the higher concentration of solutes. The cells in serum were diluted in water: At 200 milliosmols(mOs), the cells are visisbly swollen and have lost their biconcave shape, and at 100 mOs, most have swollen so much that they have ruptured, leaving what are called red blood cells ghosts. In a hypot Hypotonic, the solution with the lower concentration of solutes.A special type of diffusion through a membrane____________________________________________________________Passage of a solvent (such as water) from a lower-concentration solution to a higher-concentration solution, through a semi-permeable membrane (that allows the solvent to pass but not what is dissolved in it) separating the two solutions. The flow of solvent stops when both solutions become equal in concentration. In nature, osmosis is an essential process by means of which nutrients are delivered to the cells. See link below.

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The patient develops a fever. Lymph nodes in the area become swollen and tender, and the patient suffers from fever, chills, and headache

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What can you do if the cat eyelid is swollen?

Take the cat to the vet. Or at least ring the vet for advice; there might be a simple solution.

What is the Rhus toxicodendron patient like?

The patient has a red face, swollen glands, and dry lips. He may have muscle cramps or joint pains that are pressing, shooting, and sore. Because of his pains he is not comfortable unless he is moving.