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According to Google, there are 160,934 centimeters in a mile. There are 60 minutes in an hour. Thus a speed of 15 miles per hour is equivalent to 15 x 160,934 cm per 60 min, or (2,414,010 / 60) which is 40,233.5 cm/ inch converts to 2.54 centimeters a mile is alot of inches...lets work it out..

Its 2 times a half a mile which I remember from sports days is 880 yards thats twice round the running track before they went metric. that is 1760 yds.

A yard is 36 inches.

which is 36 x 2.54 centimetres

so a mile is 36 x 2.54 x 1760 cm.

So they are travelling at 15 x this cm per hour. ( 15 x 36 x 2.54 x 1760 )

However you only need to know is the distance travelled in a minute so divide this by 60 as there are 60 minutes in an hour.

you can work this out with a calculator... same result as above

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