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A reliable test is one that has the same results over time. This means you can trust the test and its outcome.

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Q: If a test is said to be reliable it means that the results are consistent over time?
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What does investegation mean in science?

You have to state whether or not your hypothesis was supported by the experiment and then explain why or why not. e.g. The hypothesis, if the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is increased, the change in weight of the calcium carbonate will increase, was supported by the experiment that was conducted. There was a notable difference in the change in weight of the calcium carbonate between the different concentrations. The data was reliable as the data was consistent over the three trials and it supported the hypothesis, which was backed by scientific explanation. Acids with a higher concentration contain more acidic particles. Because of this, the reaction was more likely to happen and happened over a larger amount of the surface area of the calcium carbonate. There were no anomalies in the data. As stated previously, the data was consistent over the three trials. Make sure you explain how reliable the data was and why or why not

What is reproducible experiments?

Essentially, it means that an experiment can be repeated multiple times and you would still draw the same conclusions from the results you obtain. There are various statistical tests you can perform to see if your results are statistically reproducible or not - there is always some small variation, but what's important is that the same conclusions can be drawn.

Why is it important for scientist to use the scientific method?

The Scientific Method is a method followed to make experiment results repeatable, as multiple people can do the same experiment and get the same answer, making the experiment reliable. It is a base for proving the results are correct. If it was not used, people would go back to less organized science, like Aristotalian science (he claimed the sun revolved around the earth, and was believed over other scientists with the correct view because he was popular, before the scientific method's creation).

What is a repeatable procedure?

An experiment which can be repeated and will yield the same results. Ex. If x+y=z in the experiement if you try the experiment again you should get the same result "z".

How do you write a scientific conclusion when your results are wrong?

you can' have to start all over.

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What does consistent mean and does reliable mean?

Consistent means offering the same standard of service over and over again.

Why do scientist do experiments over?

Scientists repeat experiments to test whether results are consistent and reliable.

What does the phrase a consistent method of measurement mean?

"A consistent method of measurement" means using the same approach or criteria each time when evaluating or quantifying something. This helps ensure that data is reliable and can be compared accurately over time or across different situations.

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delivers more consistent, reliable pressure with each breath

What does pending results means?

It means that the results you are aquiring are still being looked over or have yet to be graded.

What is difference between shot blasting and shot peening?

These are unlike processes applied to achieve different results. The only similarities are basic: each is a process of propelling media at a high velocity to strike a surface. Shot peening however requires control over a consistent size and shape of media, a consistent velocity of media, a consistent volume of media striking each surface area, and for a consistent length of time. Careful controls yield consistent and repeatable results that are not measurable visually. Blast cleaning is ordinarily less controlled, therefore less expensive, and results can usually be assessed visually.

What does investegation mean in science?

You have to state whether or not your hypothesis was supported by the experiment and then explain why or why not. e.g. The hypothesis, if the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is increased, the change in weight of the calcium carbonate will increase, was supported by the experiment that was conducted. There was a notable difference in the change in weight of the calcium carbonate between the different concentrations. The data was reliable as the data was consistent over the three trials and it supported the hypothesis, which was backed by scientific explanation. Acids with a higher concentration contain more acidic particles. Because of this, the reaction was more likely to happen and happened over a larger amount of the surface area of the calcium carbonate. There were no anomalies in the data. As stated previously, the data was consistent over the three trials. Make sure you explain how reliable the data was and why or why not

What is reproducible experiments?

Essentially, it means that an experiment can be repeated multiple times and you would still draw the same conclusions from the results you obtain. There are various statistical tests you can perform to see if your results are statistically reproducible or not - there is always some small variation, but what's important is that the same conclusions can be drawn.

What evaluate the result means?

You are looking over the results of some process to see if they make sense, need more research, are totally out of balance with previous results etc.

What does scan mean?

Scanned means like something that goes over things then tells you the results. To scan something is to make a quick detailed survey of it.

What does repeatability mean?

Repeatably means able to be repeated, or able to have the same results happen again in the same way.

What does it mean if a polling organization says it is 95 percent confident?

It means that if the poll was taken over and over again, the results would match the population 95% of the time.