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The inference is that both continents were once one single land-mass.

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Q: If fossils of the same land animal are on different continents what do you Infer?
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What can paleontologist infer from fossils?

the past.

Have found fossils on the top of mountains what do they infer?

Large plate tectonics or the fossils had wings.

What can a scientist infer by looking at fossils footprints?

what type of dinosaur it is and its weight

What can you you look at to infer an animal's diet?

Their teeth.

What are two kinds of information that scientists attempt to infer from the study of fossils?

Relative age of the rocks and the Paleo environment.

What can you infer about the area where you find a pecten fossil?

Pecten fossils are mostly found on the east coast of the United States.

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That at one point they were much closer to each other.

If an animal has a vestigial structure what can a biologist infer about the animal's evolutionary history?

that the animal once had a use for that structure depending on where it lived. or that it decended from an animal that had that structure and used it.

How is inference related to fossils?

Inference (deduction) is the process of determining a conclusion based on given evidence. Since we often can't know precisely what a prehistoric animal or plant looked like (unless it was completely preserved, as is the case with ice or amber), we have to take what bones, casts, molds, etc. that exist, and infer something about the plant or animal based on the structure and surroundings. For example, based on what we know about structure and function of various anatomies of existing animals, we can infer things about dinosaurs based on the bone structures found in their fossils. We can also determine whether they were predators or prey, whether they hunted or traveled in herds, in what class of animal we can group them, and so forth.

What can you infer about other fossils in the same rock layer as trilobites?

It can be assumed that the organisms that created the fossils were a part of the same depositional environment and process, and roughly from the same time span of the rock that comprises the layer.

What can you infer about an animal that has a large appendix?

You can infer that the animal is an omnivore that lives in a harsh climate that picks up any Food that is available for them. It doesn't have a strict diet. It means that over the years they have evolved to have a larger appendix to deal with digesting the newer and unknown foods that they find

What did Darwin infer from his observations of organism in South America and Galápagos Islands?

Darwin inferred that a small number of different plant and animal species had come to the Galápagos Islands from the mainland (South America), and that their adaptations varied greatly.