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Yes. Many women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. You should just take a pregnancy test if you are still concerned.

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Q: If i had a period a week and a half ago but have pregnancy symptoms can i be pregnant?
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You have all the symptoms of pregnancy you have a 6mos daughter and have not have a period in over a year and a half but all your home pregnancy tests are negative are you pregnant?

You could be pregnant, but if I were you, I'd go straight to my doctor.

Your period is not due for another week and a half Can you still have pregnancy symptoms and a negative home pregnancy test?

Yes you definitely can!

How soon can you feel early pregnancy symptoms.. I'm not supposed to start my period for another week and a half but am already feeling symptoms. Is this possible?

It is unlikely that you would be having pregnancy symptoms a week and a half before your expected period because that would be only a few days after concieving.

Does short period that is very light pink and only lasted half a day mean pregnancy along with other symptoms?

It sounds like you could possibly be pregnant. Why don't you go to your nearest pharmacy and purchase a self pregnancy test to confirm it.

How long after sex can you get pregnancy symptoms?

The first sign is missing your period. But after you have sex you have a month maybe a month in a half til you start having symptoms.

Does short period light pink that last one day and a half with symptoms of pregnancy mean you are pregnant?

yes most likely you are pregnate but you could just have a blood clot in your vigina that hasn't passed and will in time

Can stress make you think you are pregnant like if you are worried about being pregnant and it's only been about a week and a half to two weeks and you are VERY stressed out about it?

Absolutely! If you haven't had your period the symptoms before you get it are pretty much the same as with pregnancy, sore breasts etc. And stress can make your period stay away.

If you have irregular periods and for like the past week and a half you have had really sensitive nipples and slight cramps and gassy could you be pregnant?

No. If you have your period, then you aren't pregnant. All of those are symptoms of a woman's period.

What should you do if you're not supposed to have your period for another week and a half but everthing in your mind tells you you are pregnant?

Relax.If you have it in your mind that you might be pregnant then you might miss your period ,and you mind might make you think you have the symptoms of being pregnant. Go to

Are you pregnant if your period all of a sudden stops have spotting for about half an hour and then feel nausea?

sorry, if you have had a period it is unlikely you are pregnant. Nausea can be caused by so many things. Hello. Yes, you could be pregnant. Do a test in one weeks time.

You have got period pains on the first day of your missed period as you are trying to get pregnant why is that?

Its totally normal i have had the implant and haven't had a period for two and a half years but every month i get the cramps, bloating and other symptoms

What does it mean if you miss your period 2 and half weeks ago but are now experiencing stomach pains dirrahoea and sickness Could you help?

It could mean that you're pregnant, because that's some of the symptoms of pregnancy. You could take a home pregnancy test and see, but to get the positive results of what is wrong, you would have to go to the doctor.