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Consult an attorney where you live to determine what is best in your circumstance. Generally speaking, you can file for divorce where you have residency regardless of where you were legally married. An attorney will help you determine the other qualifications necessary for divorce.

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Q: If married in Wisconsin can you get divorce in Arkansas?
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Can a married same-sex couple get divorced in Wisconsin?

Yes. Beginning October 6, 2014, a same-sex married couple can file for divorce in Wisconsin.

Is Wisconsin a no fault state for divorce?

Yes Wisconsin is a no-fault divorce state.

Got married in Arkansas but divorce was not finalized in MS was the marriage in Arkansas legal?

Of course not, you can not legally marry more than one person at a time.

Can a husband and wife get a divorce if one person lives in Arkansas and the other lives in Texas?

Yes - you may divorce anyone in any state at anytime.

How long can you contest a divorce in Arkansas?

Well over a year.It's 18 months in Arkansas

If you got a divorce in Wisconsin and then move to Ohio do you have to wait to remarry?

If you get a divorce in Wisconsin and then move to Ohio, you are not required to wait to remarry because of the divorce. However, you will have to wait to remarry if you do not meet the residency requirements.

Can you get a divorce if you were married in jail?

Your right to file for divorce is not altered by where you were married.

How Can you divorce in UK if you married in turkey?

can you divorce in the uk if you married in turkey

How long must a divorced person wait to remarry in Arkansas?

I just got off the phone with the county clerk and so long as the divorce is final you can get married that day!

Can you move out of state while pregnant and married in the state of Arkansas?

Yes you can move to another state, but you can not take the children to another state till the divorce is given.

How do you divorce someone who is married?

If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.If they are married to you then you consult with an attorney and file a complaint for divorce in the proper court for your jurisdiction. If they are not married to you then you cannot divorce them because there is no marriage between you that can be dissolved.