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If no candidate receives the majority of the electoral college votes then the House Of Representatives elects the president from among the three with the highest number of votes. They must vote by special procedure in which each state gets one vote. States with more than one congressman would have to caucus to determine their one vote.

(If no vice-presidential candidate has a majority , the Senate chooses the new VP from among the top two.)

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If no candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote (currently 270 of 538), the House of Representatives decides the election. Each state gets one vote. This happened in the 1824 election where 4 candidates received electoral votes. John Q. Adams was declared the winner even though he carried less than 31% of the popular vote and 15 less electoral votes than Andrew Jackson. The other candidates were Wm Crawford and Henry Clay who became Sec of State for Adams. This became known as the "corrupt bargain" as it was believed by Jackson that Clay swung his support and votes to Adams in exchange for this appointment after Adams became president. Adams ultimately received 13 votes in the house, Jackson 7 and Crawford 4. Clay was eliminated asthe 12th amendment specifies the top 3 electoral vote getters will have their names submitted to the House.

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The electoral college chooses the president regardless of the major population's vote. They are supposed to go by what their state has voted for, but they don't have to. If it comes to a draw, the college has to cast votes again.

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the House of Representatives chooses the president.

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the House of Representives

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The House Of Representatives

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