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It depends on the tooth and how it is in your mouth. Some wisdom teeth can be removed without surgery and some need surgery. The hole doesn't really affect needing surgery or not.

Wisdom teeth, if bothersome, usually are pulled. Most dentists prefer you see an oral surgeon just in case their should be any problems (generally there isn't.)

Just a little info as to why we have to put up with these miserable little additions in our mouth, here is why some people have them:

As you know we have changed with evolution, and thousands of years ago we had wider jaws, and needed more teeth. As our faces and bodies slimmed down to suit our generations to come, and unfortunately, for some, we have been blessed with wisdom teeth. They are useless and if they bother you in any way (even very sore gums back in your jaw ... this means the wisdom tooth is not quite coming through) it is best to have them removed.

Good luck Marcy

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Q: If one has a big hole in an adult wisdom tooth can it be pulled or does it have to be surgically removed?
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How many teeth does a grown up have have?

An adult that had they're wisdom teeth pulled or not come through then you have 32 teeth. But if you still have your wisdom teeth you have 36.

How many top teeth should an adult have?

16 on top, 16 on bottom. If the wisdom teeth have been removed, 14 on top, and 14 on bottom.

How many adult teeth does a person have not including the baby ones?

The average adult has 32 teeth including wisdom teeth. Less if you got them pulled or never got them.The person with the most teeth ever has 36 teeth

Why might an adult have fewer teeth than 32?

perhaps they had those 4 3rd molars also known as wisdom teeth removed. i have seen 2 or 3 cases in 27 years of dentistry that never had these teeth. or they may have had the 4 bicuspids removed to facilitate orthodontic treatment.

How many teeth are in an adult teeth?

THere are thirty-two teeth total in an adult mouth. However, twenty eight are fine too. the four remaing are the Wisdom teeth, which often have to be removed due to over crowd in the mouth, or just never develope or come through the gum.

Is it possible for an adult to not need any wisdom teeth removed if they've never grown in or threatened the growth of the other teeth?

If you have wisdom teeth and they haven't come in normally, you need to have them removed. And possiblly even if they have come in. They are so far back it's very hard to keep them properly cleaned. It's better to get them removed as a young adult rather than an older person. It's also better to get them removed before they start causing problems. Most dentists recommend to extract wisdom teeth, even if there are no symptoms, to prevent future complications. For adults over 30 years old, most dentist would not remove wisdom teeth because the roots are completely formed and the bone around them is dense. Extraction would be indicated only if there are symptoms. It is not necessary. my dad's wisdom teeth are all still intact and he has never had a need to take them out.

You got 2 teeth pulled out how do you make the adult teeth grow back it?

If it was the first teeth that was pulled the adult ones will grow up there in time. You just have to wait. If it was the adult ones that was pulled nothing will grow back. You have no more teeth in that place.

How many theeth do humans have?

Teeth? Barring having their wisdom teeth removed (or never came in), an adult has 32 teeth and a child has 20 teeth in a full mouth.

Do kids need to have baby teeth pulled?

normally they come out on their own when the adult teeth come in, but sometimes they don't, and should be removed

Can an adult age 43 get wisdom teeth?


How many teeth do an adult have including there wisdom teeth?


How many teeth should an adult have?

Adults have more teeth than children; most adults have 32 teeth. Among these teeth are 8 premolars, 8 incisors, 4 canines and 12 molars. But most people have a complete set of adult teeth during their teenage years.