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Yes. One of the exclusions to the 10% penalty is if you're receiving these monies as a beneficiary or a QDRO recipient. (QDRO - Qualified Domestic Relations Order. Recieved from a divorce settlement.)

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Q: If the account holder of a 401k dies can the beneficiary withdraw funds without penalty?
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How do you withdraw from your 401k after age 59?

The question should say "age 59 and 1/2 years." For whatever reason, 59.5 years is the age at which you can start withdrawing funds from your 401K without penalty. Before 59 and 1/2, the penalty for early withdrawal is 10% of the taxable amount of your withdrawal. You can also withdraw money from your fund without the 10% penalty if you are leaving your employer when you are at least 55 or you become disabled. If you are eligible to withdraw money from your fund then you have to pay income taxes on the withdrawal. However, you do not have to pay income taxes if the money you withdraw go into a different employer sponsored plan or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

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If you cannot get money from any other source and you need money for something like staving off foreclosure (financial hardship), you can withdraw money with no penalty. Taxes would be need to be paid and you can only withdraw the exact amount you need.

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