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Wasps are nesting in your hot tub because there is a food source nearby. To get rid of them (you can't move them, you will have to kill them) you will need to hit them with with some type of pesticide that has an organophosphate mode of action, and a fogger. Malathion works well and is usually available in hardware and garden stores. I think that unless you already have some type of fogger, it will be cheaper to call a pest control company. To keep them out, remove food sources near the tub and seal up small openings in the tub structure. Food sources are usually some other small insect such as ants, mites and aphids that are themselfs feeding on flowering plants, mold in gutters, etc. Just rember wasps are meat eaters, and can be dangerous. The stings are not that bad unless you are allergic, in which case they can be fatal. Many people don't know if they are allergic. This answer is based on the assumption yhat you can't reach the wasps directly...if you can, just buy some wasp spray from the local grocery store, and follow through with the food source removal.

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Q: If wasps have gotten into the inside of the hot tub is there someway to kill them or get them moved?
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Wasps nests themselves do not necessarily have an odor, however dead wasps trapped inside a nest will generate an unpleasant odor and attract other pests.

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Primarily, wasps are attracted to the honey inside the hive. However wasps will also go for lone or weak bees for food. Wasps may also go directly after the brood (bee larvae) in a bee hive.

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"Zombie wasps" was the name given to European Paper Wasps that get infected by the parasite Xenos vesparum, a fly larva that burrows into the wasp's body. The infected wasps lose their social skills of working for the hive, and grow more slowly as the parasite develops inside them. However, they do no harm to the environment. The fly is only found in Europe where there are plenty of Paper Wasps.

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Why have We got Loads of wasps around two trees in the garden but no nest what do you do?

Mabey there is a type on sticky, substance inside, or on the tree, which the wasps are attracted to. I would simply advise cutting the tree, down :)

How do you keep wasps away?

Seal entry points. Solitary wasps in the home can be a nuisance; daily sightings of wasps in the home may indicate inside nest building, and more attention to the problem is required. Remove food sources. In spring and early summer, wasps are attracted to protein foods.

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Types of wasps?

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