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  • Women (or men) who have more than one married mate is called a 'bigamist.'
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It is called Polyandry.

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Q: A woman that is married to more than one man is called what?
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What is it called when a married woman wants to be more than friends with a divorced man?

It is called:cheatingemotional affairphysical - sexual affairmorally wrong to do

Can a woman be married to more than one man?

In the United states.. No.

What is it called when a woman has 2 husbands?

Definition of Polygamy Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man.

Is it polygamy if a woman marries more than one man?

Yes. The dictionary definition of polygamy does not differentiate between a man having or a woman having more than one spouse.The general term is polygamy. When a man marries more than one woman it is called polygyny. When a women marries more than one it is called polyandry.There is also bigamy which is the term used for a person who knowingly marries while still married to someone else. Their "new" spouse is unaware of the existing marriage and bigamy is a felony.

What is a Woman called with more than one husband?


Did Ares have more than one wife?

ares had one god wife that he will be married to forever but like all the gods he had children with mortal woman but they never married the mortal woman they had children with.

What type of marriage is polygamy?

Polygamy is a type of marriage where one is married to more than one person. It is usually where a man marries more than one woman but it can include a woman marrying more than one man.

How many married woman are pregnant with another mans baby?

far more than you could ever guess

In some cultures a woman may have more than one husband a practice known as?

Actually, polygamy has three categories. Polygyny is when a man has more than one wife; polyandry is when a woman has more than one husband; and group marriage is when more than one couple gets married to each other.

What is A person who had more than one wife or husband called?

If a man commits the criminal offense of being married to more than one woman he is a bigamist. A man who is married to more than one woman in those countries where it is legal is a polygamist. The early Mormons in the United States were polygamists but then polygamy was made a criminal offense. A man may marry multiple times in most countries as long as each marriage ends in annulment, divorce, or death. He can only be married legally to one woman at a time. Famous example: King Henry VIII of England- six wives, but never two at the same time.

Is a married Japanese woman and Caucasian man considered biracial?

No. "Biracial" refers to a person of more than one ethnicity. The child of the Caucasian man and Japanese woman would be biracial. The term you are looking for is "interracial," as this type of marriage is called an "interracial marriage."

Can you be legally married to two people at the same time?

No. In Western countries you can only be married to one person at a time. In the United States, a man marrying two different women at the same time is a crime called "bigamy". The second marriage is legally void, but the attempt itself is criminal. "Polygamy" is the generic word for a situation when one man is married to more than one woman. The word for one woman marrying more than one man at once is "polyandry".