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AnswerDepending on where you live a DNA test can range from $150.00 to $500.00 but you should check your phone book or on-line for local agencies and the fees. The most typical DNA test are a blood sample drawn from two or more of the parties involved or a saliva sample from your mouth, it is drawn with a cottom swob. Both are very accurate and result time is around the same. The saliva is usually cheaper. People prefer the blood test but your saliva contains as much of your DNA as your blood does. In my case, it was a paternity issue and we did both types. Our pictures were taken and both times samples were drawn from all three of us (my child, the father & myself) they take the DNA markings and compair them to the other parties. The similarities in markings determine the relation. Good look.

In India it cost 11500 for standard test. It is important to know about number of markers are being tested? To get the 100% accurate results, every sample needs to be run atleast 3 times as Eastern Biotech does.

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Q: If you've been asked to do a DNA test to verify a family relationship how would a simple DNA test like this be done and how much would it cost?
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