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yes you can have and epidural if you are induced

- Christina ballesteros

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Q: If you are endued can you still get an epidural?
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When you have an epidural can you still give birth?


What is endued?

Endued means to invest or endow with some gift. That is's definition

What is the medical term meaning bleeding above the dura mater?

Epidural hematoma really means a clot above the dura. Most people would say epidural bled if it is still bleeding.

After having a baby 4months ago with epidural that didnt work you still have back pain Is it still related to the epidural you got?

After delivery, your back may be sore from the injection for a few days. However, an epidural does not cause long-term back pain.Source:

Can you get epidural with every birth?

Yes, you can get an epidural with each birth.

Is an epidural for labor and an epidural for back pain the same?

They are the same

What area is the anesthesia is administered to numb the nerves from the uterus and birth passage without stopping labor?


Should you get epidural?

Heck yeah, get the epidural! Especially if you are a woman in labor!

What is the unscrambled word for pedirula?

The anagram is the medical term "epidural."

Does epidural anesthesia cause swelling in feet after giving birth?

when you get the epidural could you get swelling?

Where in the spine do the insert the needle for an epidural?

I think the needle will be inserted in lumbar 3 and 4 for epidural.

Under what circumstances is epidural therapy performed?

Epidural anesthesia can block most of the pain of labor and birth for vaginal and surgical deliveries. Epidural analgesia is also used after cesarean sections