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It isn't very likely, but I guess it's possible. You are probably just late for your period though. I was a week late two months in a row and I am normally a very regular person with my periods. It just happens sometimes. It is very possible. I myself can NEVER show up on home pregnancy test. I always go into the doc. and my urine test will be negative yet my blood test would be positive. So, yes, it is very possible. Yes its very possible. With my first child I was pregnant a month and the three test I took after my missed period came out negative it wasnt till I was a month and a half that the test came out postive.

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18y ago
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12y ago

No. A pregnancy test will not result into negative unless it is sure that you aren't pregnant. A pregnant woman has HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)in the urine, this is due to the formation of the placenta in an early stage of pregnancy. A pregnancy test detects the HCG in our urine and that is the positive result.


That is not true. I had 3 pregnancy tests come up negative and was Pregnant. Sometimes its just too early for a test to pick up the HCG.

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12y ago

Yes, but I believe it would be rare. I would test again in another week and if negative, take it as a negative.

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13y ago

Yes, it's called a false negative.

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Q: Can you be pregnant even if the test was negative and yet no menstruation after 9 days of expected period?
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