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It will depend on the will. If there is no will, the laws of intestacy will apply. In most cases, there are requirements that the children be provided for and the court will divide the estate between the parties, with the minors' share being put in trust.

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Q: If you are the stepmother to 3 children who you and their father raised and he dies before you do you have to divide up marital property with the children?
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If husband owned land before marriage and then gets a divorce does wife get land?

No. Anything either party owned before the marriage is considers separate property. The only way you maybe could get a portion of the land is if it was combined with marital property (i.e. a marital home was built on the land)

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This depends on the law of the jurisdiction in which the property is owned and in which the married couple live. This also depends on whether this has been the 'marital home', whether there are children, and many other factors. There is no hard and fast rule, except to say that if this affects you personally, you should seek legal advice. Many lawyers will offer initial advice on matrimonial affairs free for the first half-hour.Another PerspectiveYour spouse doesn't usually gain any ownership simply by marrying you. Property acquired before marriage in a community property state does not become community property. Property acquired before marriage in a separate property state can remain sole property.The situation can change if the property becomes a marital property with the spouse contributing to mortgage payments, improvements, etc., especially if the marriage is long term. In the case of a divorce, they may be compensated for their contribution in the division of marital property.If you have questions and want to protect your sole property then you should consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction for advice.

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Can your wife kick you out of your home and land that you live at for any reason before divorce papers are filed or after the divorce papers are filed?

Legally, you have the right to the use and possession of the marital property until a court order to the contrary is issued. You should consult with your attorney.Legally, you have the right to the use and possession of the marital property until a court order to the contrary is issued. You should consult with your attorney.Legally, you have the right to the use and possession of the marital property until a court order to the contrary is issued. You should consult with your attorney.Legally, you have the right to the use and possession of the marital property until a court order to the contrary is issued. You should consult with your attorney.

What is a pre-marital license?

A pre-marital license is a license that you get before you get married.

What happens to our marital home in the event of my husbands death if he owned property before we were married?

This will depend on whether your husband added you to the title or left the house to you in his will. Because he owned the property before you were married, he could leave it to another person in his will if he never added you to the title.

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Tennesse is an equitable distirbution state. That means that the property is divided fairly, not necessarily evenly. Technically property acquired before the marriage is separate property, but any value increase in the property during the time of marriage is considered marital property. The court has alot of room in dividing property.

Is it illegal for husbands daughters to liquidate marital property of spouse before probate?

This probably depends on the state in which you live in. You may want to seek asistance from a lawyer if necessary.

What is a spousal waiver for when purchasing a home?

Buying a house together indicates that the house would be marital property. A waiver signed before purchase means that either spouse is relinquishes any claim to the property, should the marriage end.

IF you were the owner of a home before marriage and the spouse move in, is that home now joint property even if your the only one on the deed?

Maryland is a "equitable property" state. This means that all marital property acquired during the marriage should be divided equally. If in fact the property is aquired prior to the marriage, you are the sole owner.

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If your wife inherited her assets before you all got married then you are not entitled to them. If she got it after you all got married, the law is determined by your state.