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Q: If you freeze meat and then cook it can you refreeze the cooked meat?
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Can you refreeze meat that has been frozen and cooked?

Yes. As long as the meat has been thawed and handled in a safe manner prior to cooking, then you can freeze the cooked meat. A lot of people cook meals ahead of time for convenience.

Can you freeze cooked kebab meat?

Yes, you can safely freeze cooked kebab meat one time. Once thawed, it is unsafe to refreeze any cooked meat.

Can you freeze cooked meat?

Yes you can, but it will take longer to cook as the meat is frozen.

Can you refreeze raw pheasant?

No, it is not safe to refreeze any meat, including raw pheasant. You can cook it and then freeze it, though.

Can you refreeze a thawed turkey that it's juices has seeped out already?

No, it is not safe to refreeze any meat once it has thawed, however if you cook it you can then freeze it again.

Can you refreeze a thawed smoked turkey?

You should never refreeze a thawed smoked turkey. However, once you cook a thawed turkey, you can freeze the meat.

Can frozen raw hamburger be thawed then frozen again and cooked?

No, definitely and absolutely not! It's a recipe for food poisoning.If frozen meat has thawed you can freeze it again AFTERit has been properly cooked. When the cooked meat is thawed, it must not be frozen again. It is just too risky.

Can you freeze meat then defrost it and cook it?

Yes, you can freeze meat, defrost and cook it. Once it is cooked, it can be frozen again.

Can venison be refrozen?

Raw meat, whether venison or beef or any other type, can be frozen once. If frozen raw meat is thawed, it should be cooked and eaten, or cooked and refrozen. Once cooked venison is thawed it should not be refrozen.

Can you refreeze meat after defrosted not cooked?

You definitely should not refreeze meat. once the temp drops any bacteria in the package begins to multiply. Cook it within 24 to 48 hours and that is only if it was defrosted in the refrigerator. If you defrosted it at room temp you have to cook it right away or throw it out.

Can you refreeze frozen hamburger patties if they were thawed?

You should under no circumstances REFREEZE THAWED MEAT.When the meat was packaged, it was done so in a sterile environment. But as soon as you remove the meat from the package, bacteria begins to grow. Then when you freeze it, the bacteria multiplies.

Can you refreeze ham that's been thawed but not cooked?

That would depend on how long it has been thawed I have done so without any bad effect however I did make sure that the meat was well cooked when I did eventualy use it,just in case.