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Possibly, but it could just be a heavy period. The clumps and cramps worry me though. You should call your doctor and talk to them. There are things that need to be done a lot of the time after a pregnancy.

go to a doctor right away.

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Brown blood states that your body is highly toxic. Your blood should be red from start to finish of your cycle. Cut out sugar and it more fruits and vegetables. It should take about 2 months to see a change. Also, your stool should not be dark brown. It should be the color of uncooked cookie dough.

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Q: If you got your period a week early and it is still going but has been bright red and has a lot of dark red clumps and you have had cramping and vomiting could you be experiencing a miscarriage?
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Do you cramp and bleed bright red blood during a miscarriage?

Yes. If you are pregnant and are bleeding and cramping, go to the E.R. immediately. There are other complications that can cause bleeding and when medical help is sought soon enough, it may be possible to avoid miscarriage.

You are 2 months pregnant w your second baby now you are experiencing cramping spotting every time you pee last pee came out the slippery fluid followed by the bunch of blood possible is miscarriage?

Symptoms of miscarriage include but are not limited to: heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, clots, cramping, loss of pregnancy symptoms, dizziness, and abdominal pain. If you feel that you could be having a miscarriage or have any type of bleeding during pregnancy you should call your Dr. If you are having heavy bleeding (more than 1 pad per hour), back/shoulder pain, smelly discharge, yellow/green discharge, or fever you should go to the ER immediately.

What are the symptoms of a micarriage in the first few weeks of a pregnancy?

Severe cramping, heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, clots, sudden stop in pregnancy symptoms are a few. If you feel that you may be having a miscarriage contact your dr and go to the ER immediately.

Im having bright red blood and im on my period but thar is very unusual because i have never gotten that what can that be?

Have you got any other symptoms STI Miscarriage A whole host of other problems.... is there any cramping? any other signs of pregnancy?

How do you know if you are miscaring?

If you are having a miscarriage, it is not going to be hard to tell. Depending on how many weeks, or months you are the symptoms will vary. Signs of a miscarriage are heavy bleeding, the blood is a bright red, it is severly clumpy, and you will have extemely severe cramping in your lower stomach(the area of your uterus). If you are up to 10 weeks at least then your embryo sac(the sack the baby develops in) will also be bled out.

How do you know if you are miscarring?

If you are having a miscarriage, it is not going to be hard to tell. Depending on how many weeks, or months you are the symptoms will vary. Signs of a miscarriage are heavy bleeding, the blood is a bright red, it is severly clumpy, and you will have extemely severe cramping in your lower stomach(the area of your uterus). If you are up to 10 weeks at least then your embryo sac(the sack the baby develops in) will also be bled out.

I am 6 weeks pregnant.I spotted brown blood once today then it stopped am I having a miscarriage?

absolutely this could be a miscarriage. a doctor will likely suggest bedrest. if the spotting changes to bright red, get to emergency.

What type of heat transfer are you experiencing when you sit next to a bright light?

Radiant. Consider the warmth you get from the Sun.

If i am Bleeding bright red blood am i having a miscarge?

You bleed A LOT when you have a miscarriage and during your period you also bleed bright red so see a doctor if unsure. Take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after.

If you had discharge of bright red blood size of a quarter and some cramping a week or 2 before your period started and was on the pill what would this mean Im pretty worried?

I hope its nothing bad... Im experiencing the same thing :z

What is another name for 'bright'?

Bright's disease is another name for kidney disease. It can also be called acute or chronic nephritis. Symptoms of this disease include Back pain, elevated blood pressure, vomiting, and fever.

What is the sign of 2month pregnant miscarriage?

First off if you think you are having a miscarriage you should contact your Dr right away. Symptoms may include : Heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, passing of clots and/or tissue, cramping, back pain, sudden stop of pregnancy symptoms, and home pregnancy test going from positive to negative. You should go to the ER right away if you have any sever bleeding, shoulder pain, smelly/yellow/green discharge, fever, blurred vision, or fainting as these all could be signs of something much more serious.