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It MAY be possible. It all depends on the hiring qualifications of the agency for which you wish to work. Some might overlook a very old or very minor misdemeanor offense, others may not. You'll have to check with them directly

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Q: If you have misdemeanor can you still be probation officer?
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Leaving the scene of an accident charge Can you still become a probation officer?

Depends on if it is felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanor than yes, eventually but with a felony than no.

Can you own a gun while on misdemeanor probation for control substance?

Check w/ your probation officer. It will depend on the terms of your probation.

Can i move out of my aunts on while on probation for a misdemeanor to move in with a boyfriend im 19 and still attending school?

You could probably move from your aunts but not in with a boyfriend. You will have to talk to your probation officer.

Can you move out of Connecticut while on probation for a class A misdemeanor?

Moving out of Connecticut while on probation for a Class A misdemeanor would typically require obtaining permission from the probation officer and the court. It is crucial to inform your probation officer and request a transfer of probation to the new jurisdiction before considering a move. Failing to do so could result in a violation of probation.

Can you vote in California if you have a misdemeanor on your record and are still on probation?


Does A probation officer still come to your house when your on mail in probation?

Theoretically yes: a probation officer can still come to your house or visit your workplace regardless of what type of probation you are on. However, in most states if you were placed on administrative probation this normally doesn't happen. Administrative probation basically means you are still subject to your terms and conditions of probation but are not being supervised by a probation officer. If you violate any of the standard conditions of administrative probation, it's the same as violating your probation if you were supervised. However, even under those circumstances, you could still get a visit from a probation officer, although that is extremely rare: probation officers have their own caseloads to deal with.

What is the difference between felony and misdemeanor probation?

The difference between felony and misdemeanor probation is the felony is when a person is sentence to a jail term, but it can be served out of jail. The misdemeanor probation is not given jail time. They serve a probation period.

Can you leave the state of MN with a misdemeanor probation?

Not unless you first let your probation officer know ahead of time. If you are just on court probation you need to let them know. If you leave without telling them, when you get back you will be in violation and spend 60 to 90 in jail for violation of probation.

If you are arrested for a felony but plea first offenders and complete your probation and are not convicted do you still have a chance of becoming a probation officer?


Is a Probation Violation considered a felony?

It depends entirely as to whether you are on misdemeanor probation or felony probation.

What is administrative probation?

Administrative probation is sometimes referred to as "Court supervised" probation. Administrative Probation means you will not have to report monthly in person to a probation officer. However, you are still on probation. You still must complete all required terms and conditions of your probation or you face a warrant for your arrest for Violation of Probation.

Can you get a misdemeanor theft expunged if im still on probation for it?

If you are still on probation, it is very doubtful. Most places require a specific period of time without any violations after having served the sentence. You may still violate your probation, so until it is completed, they won't grant an expungement.