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According to Christian teachings, if you are very sincere and apologize deeply for your actions and are truly remorseful, then God might let you into Heaven. But that does not mean you can repeat the action and keep apologizing.

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15y ago

Although repentance is a personal thing, true repentance in the biblical sense involves restoration and facing the consequences of one's actions. There are people who have come to true faith and turned themselves in, only to be set free when their righteous life in helping others (often those who no-one else could reach) was evidenced. In other words, their coming to true faith had already done the rehabilitation work intended to be done by prison. As for the punishment side of things, true repentance also comes with a realization of the depth of wrong committed.

So, for repentance to be of the true kind that leads to heaven, it needs to evidence results that would indicate it is deep and genuine, and has wrought a real change of life, not just a desire to escape punishment, either in this life or the one to come. In any case, it would not be a truly peaceful life, possibly knowing that one day one may be discovered. Having a sure knowledge and hope for heaven also certainly involves true peace in the heart. Not 'coming clean' would seem to be incompatible with this. whoever this is i hope u believe in the one true God

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13y ago

once You Die , You Die,

Repent While You Still Living Cause When the Time Comes, Its gunna be To Late,

Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, & He'll Forgive all Your sins & Let You in his Kingdom,.

Praise the Lord! <3

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Q: If you kill someone will you go to hell and then repent?
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