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Q: If you transplanted the head of a dog onto a cat or vice-versa would it still be able to eat?
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The cornea

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How would you use transplant in a sentence?

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New calls are priduced within bone marrow as a direct result of?

If bone marrow cells from the transplanted mouse can, in turn, be transplanted able to direct human embryonic stem cells.

If you are gay can you still live?

Yes. Why would you not be able to?

Is it possible to implant fangs of an animal into your mouth?

No. The human body rejects most animal tissues, so living, growing fangs are not able to be transplanted from animals. Artificial crowns or acrylic implants would have to be used.

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We would not be able to walk and nothing would be able to stay still Hope I could help

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What would happen is that we won't be able to see the stars or see the sunset. We would still be able to sleep I guess but you never know ^_^

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You can still do everything you normally would. You just wouldn't be able to smell.

Will Justin Bieber still be able to sing after puberty?

yes he would.!!:p

Would you still be able to see after you sew buttons on your eyes?

Definitely yes! and you would also look awesome to the max. you should really do it, if i had eyes still i would do the same.