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Q: In 1800 the Khmer monarchy had been driven from the Mekong Delta by the?
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On what basis were the Khmer people able to coalesce into a single large kingdom?

Exploiting the flooding of the Mekong River

What happen to Khmer Krom that live under control of Vietnam?

*****Today Cambodians are being discriminate by Vietnamese.Many independent NGOs report the human rights of the Khmer Krom are still being violated by the Vietnamese government. Khmer Krom are reportedly forced to adopt Vietnamese family names and speak the Vietnamese language. The education of the Khmer Krom is neglected and they face many hardships in everyday life, such as difficult access to Vietnamese health services (recent epidemics of blindness affecting children have been reported in the predominantly Khmer Krom areas of the Mekong delta, difficulty in practicing their religion (Khmer Krom are Theravada Buddhists, like Cambodian and Thai people, but unlike Vietnamese who are mostly Mahayana Buddhists or few Roman Catholics), difficulty in finding jobs outside of the fields, and social racism.The Khmer Krom are among the poorest segments of the population in southern Vietnam.Unlike other minority people groups of Vietnam, the Khmer Krom are largely unknown in the Western world, despite efforts by associations of exiled Khmer Krom such as the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation to publicize their issues with the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation. No Western government has raised the matter of the Khmer Krom's human rights with the Vietnamese government.The Khmer Krom culture could become better known through its tourist sites in the Mekong Delta. Khmer Buddhist temples located in places such as Long An, Tien Giang, Vinh Long, Tra Vinh, Bac Lieu, and Soc Trang are now very popular as tourist destinations.

Does Vietnam still control some Cambodian today?

Today Cambodians are being discriminated against by Vietnamese. Many independent NGOs report the human rights of the Khmer Krom are still being violated by the Vietnamese government. Khmer Krom are reportedly forced to adopt Vietnamese family names and speak the Vietnamese language. The education of the Khmer Krom is neglected and they face many hardships in everyday life, such as difficult access to Vietnamese health services (recent epidemics of blindness affecting children have been reported in the predominantly Khmer Krom areas of the Mekong delta, difficulty in practicing their religion (Khmer Krom are Theravada Buddhists, like Cambodian and Thai people, but unlike Vietnamese who are mostly Mahayana Buddhists or few Roman Catholics), difficulty in finding jobs outside of the fields, and social racism.The Khmer Krom are among the poorest segments of the population in southern Vietnam.Unlike other minority people groups of Vietnam, the Khmer Krom are largely unknown in the Western world, despite efforts by associations of exiled Khmer Krom such as the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation to publicize their issues with the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation. No Western government has raised the matter of the Khmer Krom's human rights with the Vietnamese government.The Khmer Krom culture could become better known through its tourist sites in the Mekong Delta. Khmer Buddhist temples located in places such as Long An, Tien Giang, Vinh Long, Tra Vinh, Bac Lieu, and Soc Trang are now very popular as tourist destinations.

In which country did the Khmer rouge come from?

They live in Cambodia, but the Khmer Empire was vast and stretch over all of continental southeast asia, so essentially many have been mixed in with the other ethnic groups that inhabit the land today, such as the Thais, Vietnamese, Laos, and Burmese.

Are the Khmer Rouge still in power over Cambodia?

No,the Khmer Rouge were vanquished by the Vietmanese Army in 1978-9.Vietnam did this because the Khmer Rouge repeatedly made incursions across the border.The Khmer Rouge were driven into the jungles,where they began to dis-band.China then invaded the north of Vietnam in protest.Much to their suprise,Vietnam inflicted heavy losses on the Chinese and China withdrew.

What is the type of government they have in Cambodia?

The words I would used to describe the Khmer Rouge are much too obscene to be allowed on Wikianswers. Their government was definitely communist, which is where the Rouge comes from, as it is the French word for red. Yet, while most communists believed in modernization, the Khmer Rouge were unusual in that they favored a return to the feudalism of the Khmer Empire. Therefore it could also be described as a feudal type of government.

When was Khmer Loves Khmer Party created?

Khmer Loves Khmer Party was created in 2008.

What did Prince Sihamoni do during the Khmer Rouge?

According to what i have read, the king was captured with his monarchy family in phnom penh royal palace for three years from 1976 to 1979.

What is Khmer krahom?

Khmer krahom are the freaken ruthless, black clothes wearing, that killed millions of people of cambodia (Khmer) from 1975 until 1979. i am Khmer and i lived it. Khmer krahom means THE RED KHMER. they know only to kill.

Khmer is the language of which Asian countries?

Khmer or Cambodian, is the language of the Khmer people and the official language of Cambodia.

Who colonized the Khmer krom and how is the Khmer krom being treated by their oppressors or by their colonists?

The Khmer Krom was colonized by the Khmer. The Khmer Krom was treated cruelty by the Vietnamese government that control the colonized now because the French has sign Khmer Krom territories to Vietnam in the 19 century.

Why did Cambodia change their name to Kampuchea and then back to Cambodia?

Cambodia has had several name changes - when the new ruling party wanted to erase all traces of the previous one. The following names have been used since 1954. * Kingdom of Cambodia under the rule of the monarchy from 1953 through 1970; * Khmer Republic under the Lon Nol led government from 1970 to 1975; * Democratic Kampucheaunder the rule of the communist Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979; * People's Republic of Kampuchea under the rule of the Vietnamese-sponsored government from 1979 to 1989; * State of Cambodia under the rule of the United Nations transitional authority from 1989 to 1993; * Once again Kingdom of Cambodia after the restoration of the monarchy in 1993. Edit- Kampuchea is a name that the Khmer people prefer to call themselves. The word "chear" means descendant. Kampu is from the Brahmin prince Kambu Swayambhuva who settled in the area of Cambodia and defeated the Naga race that dwells there. The name, Kampuchea would then refer to "The Descendant of Prince Kambu" The name Cambodia is a "western" mispronounciation of Kampuchea. The French first called it Cambodja (Kampuchea). Kampuchea is a closer written pronounciation of how the Khmer people say it. The Khmer Rouge believed their country should return back into the Old Ways and renounced all western influence and western ideas. During their time, they used "Kampuchea" as the true name of the country. Most Khmer people use Kampuchea to identify their country, while some few who are heavily influenced by western ways refer to their country as "Srok Khmer", which translate to "Khmer Land".