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Q: In Michigan can the biological father waive his parental rights and then the new husband of the custodial parent adopt the children?
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Who is the custodial parent when custody is fifty percent for each parent?

If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.If the parents share physical and legal custody equally then whoever the child is with at the time is the custodial parent. Both have equal parental/custodial rights.

Can non custodial parent lose child Mother get remarried does noncustodial parent lose their child?

No. If you have been determined to be the child's biological father you and the mother will have equal parental rights if you remarry.

Can the non-custodial parent claim the children without permission of the custodial parent?

No, the custodial parent must give written a agreement which contains all pertinent information including the date the child/children will leave and the date they will return, how and when the non-custodial parent should stay in contact, and so forth. If a non-custodial parent removes a child/children from ANY place w/o the knowledge and/or permission of the custodial parent they are committing "parental kidnapping" and may be subject to criminal prosecution and other penalties.

Is it legal in Michigan for a biological parent to contact a minor adoptee after termination of parental rights?

No, any contact between the child and anyone else is entirely up to the adoptive parents even if it is the biological parent.

Can a parent in Michigan give up his parental rights and not pay child support?

Even if you've given up parental rights, you'll still have to pay child support if it's been determined that you are the biological father. Child support is not payment to see the child. It's designed to help the primary custodial parent support the child in a single parent household.

Does the noncustodial parent have to bring back the children to the custodial parents after a visit?

Yes, unless there are other arrangements mentioned in the visitation order. The non-custodial parent shouldn't expect the custodial parent to do the transporting. Taking your own parental responsibilities seriously is character building.

Is it required for the biological father to be notified of a custody battle if he has chosen not to be involved in the child's life?

There can be no suit for custodial rights unless the biological parents have been notified of the action and given a chance to respond and/or file a countersuit. An exception of the law might be, if the biological parent has voluntarily relinquished parental rights and the court has agreed or the court has issued an order permanently terminating parental rights to the child in question.

If custodial parent doesnt want child support does non custodial parent lose parental rights?


How would a non-custodial parent of a minor child in the state of Michigan sign off rights to their child?

You would have to call the court house for legal papers on terminating parental rights.

What do you do when you are divorcing your husband who is not the biological father of your child and the child's real father wants to be involved?

Do the kids like him? Has he taken on the traditional role of the father for these children? It really doesn't have much to do with whether he is the biological father, in a situation like this, it's about the children. What damage will you be doing to them if you pull him away? Don't let your anger against him turn into a punishment for the children. Life's tough enough when a child goes through the parent's divorce. You don't need to make it worse. * In the US a spouse who is not a biological parent does not have custodial rights to children when a divorce occurs unless he or she adopted the child during the marriage. If adoption is an issue and the parties cannot reach an amicable agreement, custodial and/or visitation decisions will be left to the judge. If the biological father did not relinquish his rights he can request custody or visitation of his child or children. If he did relinquish parental rights then he no longer has legal rights of any sort to the child and any part he plays in the child's life depends upon what the custodial parent(s) choose to do.

Can you have parental rights removed if the mother is an illegal immigrant?

No, custodial rights to minor children are a civil matter and under the jurisdiction of the state of residence. Regardless of the legal status of the mother, she still has legal rights to her biological child unless a court rules otherwise. Likewise, an unmarried female, regardless of her legal status, is presumed by law to retain sole custodial rights to the child until the father establishes parentage and is awarded joint or full custody by the court or refused custodial rights.

Can your ex-wife petition for physical custody of your 16-year-old son?

Yes, any biological parent who has not had their parental rights terminated by the court can file a lawsuit (petition) for custodial rights to their minor child.