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Q: In Sweat Zora Neale Hurston focuses on the lives of real African Americans White culture is present in the story only indirectly as represented by Delia's?
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In Hurston's Sweat white culture is portrayed only indirectly and is represented in Delia's .?


White culture is portrayed only indirectly and is represented in Delia's?

In Zora Neale Hurston's story "Sweat," white culture is represented indirectly in Delia's laundry.

In Hurston's Sweat white culture is portrayed only indirectly and is represented in Delia's?


In Hurstons Sweat white culture is portrayed only indirectly and is represented in Delias?

In Zora Neale Hurston's story "Sweat," white culture is represented indirectly in Delia's laundry.

In Hurston's Sweat white culture is portrayed only indirectly and is represented in Delias?

Between "Yes, with water." and "It tastes like licorice," the girl said and put the glass down."

Why did Zora Neale Hurston collect African-American Folklore?

Zora Neale Hurston collected African-American folklore to preserve and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of African Americans. She believed that these stories, songs, and traditions were important and should not be forgotten, as they provided insight into the history and experiences of the African-American community. Hurston also sought to challenge stereotypes and highlight the creativity and resilience of African-American people.

How did hurston describe the dramatic nature of the negro?

Hurston celebrated the resilience, strength, and cultural richness of African Americans in her work. She highlighted their vibrancy, creativity, and ability to overcome adversity through storytelling and a deep connection to their roots in African traditions. Hurston's portrayal of the Negro experience emphasized their emotional depth and humanity, challenging stereotypes and offering a more authentic representation of black life.

What quality of Zora Neale Hurston's writing associates her with modernism?

Zora Neale Hurston's departure from stereotyped or politicized portrayals of African Americans and her use of African American folklore and tradition associates her with Modernism. Her use of figurative language, using the rural African-American voice and non-standard English also associates Hurston with Modernism. She also wrote from inside the character's head rather than from an external point of view.

What quality of Hurston writing might we cite as evidence that she is a modernist?

If you are trying to provide evidence that Hurstons is a modernists, you could cite her writing where she portrayed African Americans as real people with interior lives, as opposed to using them as symbols or means for other characters to accomplish their goals. Zora Neale Hurston's departure from stereotyped or politicized portrayals of African Americans and her use of African American folklore and tradition associates her with Modernism. Her use of figurative language, using the rural African-American voice and non-standard English also associates Hurston with Modernism. She also wrote from inside the character's head rather than from an external point of view.

Why did zora neale hurston write fiction books?

Zora Neale Hurston wrote fiction books to explore and celebrate the lives of African Americans, especially those living in the South. Her works aimed to give a voice to the experiences, culture, and folklore of black communities during a time when their stories were often marginalized or stereotyped in literature. Hurston's writing helped to showcase the richness and diversity of African American experiences.

What was the following happened at the same time that hurston wrote many of her most well known works?

Zora Neale Hurston wrote many of her most well-known works during the Harlem Renaissance, a period in the 1920s characterized by a flourishing of African American culture in literature, music, art, and social commentary. Hurston's works, such as "Their Eyes Were Watching God," captured the spirit and experiences of African Americans during this vibrant cultural movement.

Which might we cite as evidence for including hurston among the writers associated with modernism?

Zora Neale Hurston's innovative use of language and storytelling techniques in works like "Their Eyes Were Watching God" align with modernist ideals of experimentation and individual expression. Additionally, her exploration of race, gender, and culture in early 20th century America reflects the modernist interest in depicting the complexities of human experience.