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Q: In The Tel-Tale Heart the point at which the narrator feels forced to confess is the?
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What sound drives the narrator to confess to the crime?

The sound that drives the narrator to confess the crime is a heart; (the heart of the man he killed or the his own?)

What prediction can be made about what will happen to the narrator on The Tell-Tale Heart?

Based on the narrator's increasing paranoia, irrational behavior, and guilt, it can be predicted that the narrator's conscience will ultimately drive him to confess his crime or suffer a mental breakdown.

What word best describes the narrator at the end of The Tell Tale Heart?

The word "mad" or "insane" could be used to describe the narrator at the end of "The Tell-Tale Heart" as his paranoia and guilt over the murder drive him to confess in a frenzied and delusional manner.

How does the old man's groan make the narrator feel in The Tell-Tale Heart?

The old man's groan makes the narrator feel a sense of dread and guilt. It intensifies his paranoia and ultimately drives him to confess his crime.

Why does the narrator confess to his crime in The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe?

The narrator confesses to his crime in "The Tell-Tale Heart" due to the guilt and paranoia consuming him. The relentless beating of the old man's heart, which he believes is still alive, drives him to confess to the crime to alleviate his torment. The psychological pressure and his fear of being caught also contribute to his confession.

In The Tell-Tale Heart where was the noise coming from?

In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the narrator hears a noise coming from the old man's heart beneath the floorboards. This noise, which he interprets as the old man's guilty conscience, drives him to confess and reveal the location of the body.

Why is the narrator paranoid in The Tell-Tale Heart?

The narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe is paranoid because of his guilt stemming from the murder he committed. He becomes increasingly agitated by the sound of the old man's heartbeat, which he perceives as a sign of his guilt. This paranoia drives him to confess his crime to the police.

What is your explanation for the heartbeat noise that drives the narrator to confess The Tell-Tale Heart?

Twice Poe uses the phrase: "as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton." to describe what the narrator hears.

When blood is forced out of the heart?

systole (pressure in artery when blood is forced out of heart)

The bible says to confess with your mouth... how can one confess with your mouth if you cannot speak?

You can write it down, or silently pray to god. God bless all, have a great day :)

Who is insane in The Tell-Tale Heart?

The narrator

What is better forced worship or no worship?

It is all about the heart. If the person's heart is not in the right place, then it should not be forced. Thus no worship is better than forced.