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Sapwood and Heartwood.

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Q: In a woody dicot stem the xylem is divided into?
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What are Differences between woody dicot stem and herbaceous dicot stem?

Woody dicot stem has plenty of secondary xylem as a result of seasonal secondary growth which forms the wood. Herbaceous dicot stem has inconspicuous secondary growth.

Does a hibiscus plant have a woody stem?

Yes Ixora being a dicot have a woody stem.

In a woody dicot stem the growth of new xylem from the during each growing season results in the formation of?

Vascular Cambium and Annual RingsPlato users its B

What is the layer between the xylem and phloem in decot stem?

A layer of cambium is found between xylem and phloem in dicot stem.

How are the inside of the soft stem and the woody stem different?

They have different texture andstyle/ The woody stem has massive xylem tissue, mostly secondary in origin, the soft stem has a very little amount of stele.

What part of a woody stem form rings that indicate the tree's age?

The xylem.

What is the purpose of the stem?

The purpose of the stem are: -for structure -to transport water and nutrients. The stem carries food and water through 2 tissues. (The xylem tissue and the Phloem tissue). The woody kind of stems have lots of xylem tissues, while non-woody stems have less xylem tissues.

How is woody xylem in tilia different from xylem in the herbaceous monocots and dicots?

Herbaceous stems lack woody tissue and growth rings unlike woody xylem. Wood is a composite of cellulose fibers which require the the process of phloem in the bark to contain nutrients unlike herbaceous stems that rely on xylem that contains vessel and vascular elements.

What is a woody stemmed plant?

A woody stem is kinda of hard,big.Like durian tree & hibiscus plant.But a papaya tree is soft stem when it is a baby tree,then become woody stem when it is big.

Which has scattered phloem and xylem in the stem?

Seeds that are considered monocot seeds contain phloem and xylem as scattered around. Dicot seeds have more organization, with the xylem in an x and the phloem surrounding it.

Is bamboo woody stem or soft stem?

soft in general, easily broken by strong winds

Why do plants have a hard stem?

A woody stem