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In a part of the inner ear called the cochlea (snail-like).

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Q: In the ear the basilar membrane and hair cells are found in the?
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A basilar membrane would be found in?

Auditory nerve

Gel-like membrane overlying the hair cells of the organ of Corti?

tectorial membrane

The structure within the cochlea containing hair cells that vibrate at different natural frequencies is the?

basilar membrane

As sound levels increase in the spiral organ of Corti?

outer hair cells stiffen the basilar membrane

How is the structure of the basilar membrane related to the excitation of cochlear hair cells?

allows for different levels of sound for someone to hear

What converts sound vibrations into electrical impulses?

The cochlea converts vibrations into electrical sounds

What is the function of organ of corti?

the organ of corti is found inside the cochlea in the middle ear. in the organ of corti are hair cells which pick up vibrations. these vibrations are what is processed by the brain as sound. so basically without it no vibrations and hence the brain will not be able to interpret the vibrations into sounds

How are the hair cells in the cochlea stimulated when the oval window is tapped by the stapes?

When the stapes taps on the oval window of the cochlea, it creates waves of pressure within the perilymph. The pressure waves within the perilymph are transferred to the basilar membrane of the organ of corti. The vibrations of the basilar membrane cause the attached hair cells to vibrate against the tectoral membrane. These vibrations are detected by the axons extending from the spiral ganglion in to the spiral lamina, and the impulses are sent to the brain via the cochlear nerve.

How does the cochlea of the inner ear help you hear?

The cochlea has hairs cells that ride on the basilar membrane. These hair cells convert the mechanical vibration of sound waves into an electrical signal and excite the auditory nerve's 30 000 fibers. The auditory nerve transports the signal to the brainstem. Since each hair cell is on a different part of the basilar membrane, each hair cell is best excited by a different frequency. Thus, each nerve fiber carries auditory information about a different frequency to the brain.

How is pitch translated in your ear?

In your inner ear, different parts of the basilar membrane vibrate at different natural frequencies, and hair cells near those parts send nerve impulses to your brain where they are interpreted as different pitches.

What inner ear structure picks up vibrations of fluid in the cochlea and transmits them as sensory impluse to the brain?

Scala tympani is one of the perilymph-filled cavities in the cochlear labyrinth of the human ear. It is separated from the scala media by the basilar membrane, and it extends from the round window to the helicotrema, where it continues as scala vestibuli.The purpose of the perilymph-filled scala tympani and scala vestibuli is to transduce the movement of air that causes the tympanic membrane and the ossicles to vibrate, to movement of liquid and the basilar membrane. This movement is conveyed to the organ of Cortiinside the scala media, composed of hair cells attached to the basilar membrane and their stereo cilia embedded in the tectorial membrane. The movement of the basilar membrane compared to the tectorial membrane causes the sterocilia to bend. They then depolarise and send impulses to the brain via the cochlear nerve. This produces the sensation of sound.

The sense of hearing depends on which specialized cells?

The mechanoreceptors responsible for the sense of hearing are contained in the Organ of Corti. It has 16,000 hearing receptor cells located on the basilar membrane of each inner ear.A movement of the hair cells against tectorial membrane stimulates dendrites that terminate around the base of hair cells and initiates an impulse conduction by the cochlear nerve to the brainstem.Impulses pass through 'relay stations' in the nuclei in medulla, pons, midbrain, and thalamus before reaching the auditory area of temporal lobe of the brain.