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Occupational therapy might be given to an employee when he was injured on the job and requires special assistance from a therapist to recover and get back onto the job. Another use is if the employer offers a benefit that covers accidental harm to self that would prevent them from working.

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Q: In what instance might an employer provide occupational therapy to employees?
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Absolutely. In fact, a great way to attract employees is to provide a benefits package that can include health and life insurance. The employer may generally require the participating employees to contribute to the premiums.

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The aim of occupational health and safety is to help the employer provide each employee with employment and a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards, so he or she can go home each day just as whole and healthy as he or she arrived at work in the morning.

Which law requires employers to provide a safe working environment for employees?

In the US, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1968 requires each employer to provide employment and a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards, i.e a safe working environment. Other countries have laws with slightly different names that seek to accomplish roughly the same results.

Does your employer have to provide you health insurance?

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