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8.3 % of the Earth's surface is Aluminum.It occurs naturally primarily in combination with silica, also as oxide. Aluminum is mostly found in Rocks and other substances on the earth's crust. Aluminum is easily found, and therefore it only costs about two dollars a pound.Australia, Brazil, Guinea, Jamaica, Russia, and the United States. In the United States, aluminum is produced in Montana, Oregon, Washington, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

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Q: In what part of the world is aluminum found?
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Which element is found in nature as aluminum?

That element would be . . . aluminum, whose element name is AL. Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in the world.

Where is thermite found?

Thermite is a mixture of 1 part aluminum oxide for every 3 parts iron oxide

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Is aluminum found in the sea or in the air?

Aluminum is found in lakes as well as the air. Aluminum is element that is in the boron group of chemical elements.

Is aluminum man-made?

No, aluminum is not man-made. In fact, it is a natural and earth found metal. Aluminum is found in the earth's crust.

What rock is aluminum rocks found in?

Aluminum is found in many sedimentary rocks, but the main ore of aluminum is the rock bauxite.

Where do you find aluminum in the world?

Aluminum is the most abundant metallic element in the Earth's crust, found in bauxite ore. The main deposits of bauxite are found in tropical and subtropical regions such as Australia, Guinea, Brazil, and Jamaica. Other sources of aluminum include clay, shale, and feldspar, but these are less commonly used for commercial production.

Which part of the world are sedimentary rocks most found in?

They are found in ALL parts of the world.

Where does an aluminum can come from?

Aluminum are found buried under the Earth

What percent of aluminum is found in living matter?

Yes aluminum can be found in living things but only in very small amounts. Aluminum is a common element that is found in the Earth's surface.

How was aluminum found?

Aluminum is found naturally on Earth. Hans Christian Orsted gets the credit for producing the first powder utilizing aluminum in the 1800s.

What is aluminum mostly found in?

Aluminum is mostly found in the Earth's crust as bauxite, a type of rock. It is also found in various minerals, clays, and gemstones.