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It gave Portugal a lot of land in South America. After the line was set Portugal argued that it was unfair so the line was moved so that Portugal fully got Brazil. That is why Brazil's prime language is Portuguese! :)

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The Treaty of Tordesillas established which parts of the New World would fall under the influence of each country.
The Treaty of Tordesillas began the definition of the Spanish and Portuguese areas of influence in the new world.

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proved that the Portuguese really had control and knowledge of the sea!

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i don't know why are you even looking here for the answer

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He gave him a new ship.

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Q: How did Portugal benefit from Columbus' voyage?
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Which nation financed Columbus's voyage?

Spain financed his voyage after Portugal turned him down.

Why Portugal not finance the voyage of Columbus?

Portugal did not finance the voyage of Columbus because they knew America stood between Europe and Asia. They were visiting Brazil on a regular basis and knew it was not a part of Asia.

How was Christopher's Columbus's voyage paid?

Columbus was born in Italy,but his interest with the sea took him to Portugal.When Portugal's King said he would not found his voyage,he went to Spain who did.

What had been Columbus' longest trip before he sailed in 1492?

Christopher Columbus sailed from Italy to Portugal as a teenager. This voyage ended in shipwreck. He did not sail again until 1492.

Did Columbus approach the rulers Portugal and Spain and no one wanted to pay?

False because columbus approach to the king and queen of spain .They did not want to pay for his voyage but after a couple of years they did pay for his voyage

What country paid for christopher Columbus exploration?

The country that paid for Columbus' voyage was Spain. King Ferdinand gave him the money and ships to make his voyage.

What were some immediate and some long term outcomes of Columbus voyage?

The immediate outcome of Columbus' voyage was religious freedom, the long-term outcome was finding the Americas

Who sent Columbus on his famous voyage?

He was sent by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain because Portugal wouldn't send him.

What was Columbus's longest trip before 1492?

His third voyage was the longest one. :)

What two Western European rivals had disputes about land claims in the Americas following Columbus’ voyage of 1492?

Portugal and Spain

How did Portugal benefit from Vasco da Gama's voyage to Calicut?

Great things happened like talking and sailing

When was Columbus's first voyage to Spain?

Columbus first voyage