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The issue is more of what has the breakdown of the family has affected society.


All Children Deserve Two Parents

Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears has noted, children born to unmarried women and to those in cohabiting relationships "must often overcome increased risks of poverty, education failure, child abuse, delinquency, emotional distress and mental illness."…….the lack of a father's guidance in children's lives is a major cause of their suffering. "Marriage is the best child welfare, crime prevention, anti-poverty program we have,"

Fortune Magazine - Fatherless Families & Crime

"Ominously, the most reliable predictor of crime is neither poverty nor race but growing up fatherless."

Stanford University - Divorce, Nontraditional Families, and Its Consequences For Children

"We know that children of divorced parents have more emotional and behavioral problems and do less well in school than children who live with both their Parent."


Single mothers and the baby boom

For some, the growth of single-mother families is a sign of female empowerment. If children without fathers fare worse than children in two-parent families, say defenders of single mothers, the answer is better pay for women and better social programs. Yet even in Sweden with its generous welfare state, a major 2003 study found that children raised in single-parent homes were at significantly higher risk for addictions and serious psychiatric problems.

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13y ago

First off- good question. I feel that families could combat social issues by acting like families. Social issues are caused by the members of a society and our children are coming up in a day and age of feeling as if it is each member for themselves. There is no real sense of family anymore and with that loss, we have a loss of the feelings of support, companionship, and unconditional love which are important in the mental stability and development of our children. Most younger people are focused only on themselves and families could deal with the selfishness of our generation and problems that plague our society (like hunger or homelessness) by volunteering together as a unit. Also, where I am happy for women's ability to freely work, mothers should have a responsibility to their families first and their careers last. Money is money but how you raise and mold your children is your responsibility to the whole of society. It is a responsibility that was thwarted by the "feminist movement". I could keep going, but I probably should stop while I still can :).

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