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Q: In which state were Spanish speaking people the ethnic majority until 1940?
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Why are the majority of Spanish speaking countries Catholics?

Yes, the majority of people in Spanish speaking countries are Catholics.

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What is the nationality of the majority of the Spanish speaking people in New York?

Puerto Rico.

Why are the majority of people in Mexico Spanish speaking and members of a Catholic religion?

Mexico was colonized by the Spanish who brought the language and religion with them.

Which religion do the vast majority of people in Spanish-Portuguese and French-speaking area have?

Roman Catholic

Why are the majority of people in Mexico spanish speaking and members of the catholic region?

the Spanish are pious catholics and when they conquered mexico they taught the indians catholicisim

How many people practice Spanish religion?

"Spanish" is not a religion but the majority of Spanish-speaking people are Christian, predominantly Roman Catholic, the number of which would be in the millions (there are 2.5 billion Christians).

How did Argentina start speaking spanish?

It was a Spanish colony. This is the same reason that the majority of the countries of Central and South America are Spanish-speaking...and the same reason people in the US speak predominantly English. A colonizing power will force its language on a colonial people.

What are people from Spanish speaking countries called in Spanish?

Spanish speaking people are called "Hispano Parlantes" in general. "Spanish Speaking".

Are there more french or Spanish speaking people in Hollywood?

There are more Spanish-speaking people.

Why is speaking Spanish important?

It's important because more than 410 million people in the world speak Spanish, the majority of which live in North and South America.

The ethnic people in spanish?

ya mam