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The income that is not used for consumption is called disposable income

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Q: Income not used for consumption is considered as what?
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What Income not used for consumption is?


What is income not used for consumption called?


If the consumption is greater than current income how can be sustained?

When consumption is greater than current income, the situation in itself is non-sustainable. However, if the situation is considered temporary, financing is usually used to sustain the business until they are able to generate the cash flows necessary to cover consumption.

What is the difference between consumption and income?

the difference between income and consumption

Income consumption curve?

income consumption curve is the collection of points of the consumer's equilibrium resulting from varying income.....

If a good is a normal good what will happen to its consumption as income increases?

The definition of a Normal Good is: a good that will increase in consumption as income increases and decrease in consumption as income decreases.

What is Market Consumption Capacity?

Market Consumption Capacity is basically the income of the middle class. (The percentage share of the middle class in consumption/income)

Are consumption and income positively related or are they negatively related?

They are positively, or directly related. An increase in income is associated with an increase in income; a decrease in consumption accompanies a decrease in income.

The consumption function relates the consumption expenditure decisions of households?

to the level of disposible income

The 45-degree line on a graph relating consumption and income shows?

all the points at which consumption and income are equal

Meaning of autonomous consumption spending?

It is the part of consumption that does not depend on income.

What is the primary disadvantage to having to having a total consumption budget?

With a total consumption budget, there is no net income or savings.