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Harcots vert is a special type of very long green bean. Sometimes you find them in Farmer's Markets but seldom in a regular store.

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Q: Ingredient in recipe Haricots vert
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Is haricots verts or haricot vert correct for a menu selection meaning green beans?

Haricots verts is correct

Why some beans called French?

greenbeans / French beans are spelled "les haricots verts" in French.

How do yo say string beans in french?

"a beanbag" = "un pouf" (masc.) if you mean the cushion thingie.

What is the french word mais?

"mais" means but, as in: "J'adore les haricots vert MAIS Je deteste les pomme de terre." " i love green beanss but hate potatoes."

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Modification of a recipe means you have modified (made a change to) the recipe. It could be you add an ingredient not listed in the recipe, or even change the amount of an ingredient. It could also be you changed the temperature and time of cooking the recipe.

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The most important ingredient for a chicken soup recipe can vary based on the individual making it. Although, arguably the most important ingredient would be chicken. Another very important ingredient would be the broth or water included in the recipe.

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What does haricots mean?

It means beans in French. Green beans are haricots verts.

What is the french word for bean?

des haricots. French beans are "haricots verts"

What is the word for beans in french?

les haricots. French beans are "des haricots verts"

How do say beans in French?

des haricots French beans = "les haricots verts"

What is the main ingredient in a Spanish stew?

The main ingredient of Spanish stew will depend on the recipe. There is more than one kind.Depending on the recipe, the main ingredient is either chicken, beef, chorizo, beans (vegetarian) and potato (vegetarian). it also has a mix of vegetables, again, based on the exact recipe.