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There is no known pathological connection to autism.

I am not a physician, neurologist, what-have-you, but my understanding is that it a neuro-biological condition brought about by certain anomaly's of at least 3 genes (don't ask me which ones or even if that the total number.) The short answer is that it's genetic in origin causing the person with the disorder to fall somewhere on a spectrum from full autism (where one is unable to communicate in any fashion) to high functioning (where one is unable to understand nonverbal communication.) I would suggest that you do further research on-line in order to more fully understand this condition.

For more detail on possible pathogens, the stages of development impacted, and specific genes involved, see:

Emfield, Steve. (2011). Geek Syndromes: Causes, Cures and Maps of Autism and other related neurological variances; The 26 Myths and 26 Facts of Autism. Lehi, UT.

Grandin, Temple. (2006, January 10). Thinking in Pictures: My life with autism. Vintage.

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Q: Is Asperger's Syndrome caused by a pathogen?
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ANYONE can have Asperger's Syndrome.

What is the correct spelling for aspergers syndrome?

With capitalization, the correct spelling isAsperger's Syndrome or simply Asperger Syndrome.

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Aspergers Syndrome can be called: Aspergers, High-Functioning Autism, or you could just call it Autism, because it's a type of Autism.

Can cats have Asperger syndrome?

No. Aspergers syndrome and autism and stuff like that can only affect humans.