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every rdbms is a of a standard there is a criteria for any prog. lang. to become rdbms. this is defined in codds 12 rules. this all together if satisfied then any prog lang can be said to be a rdbms. but in practice we come across many examples where a prog lang is not rdbms but still provide relational database very often. ex foxpro is not rdbms because it does not satisfy one of the codds 12 rule i.e. of defining a foreign key. in foxpro you cannot define a foreign key. but since it has tables in it and can provide relations we can term foxpro as pseudo rdbms(partial rdbms)..........

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Q: Is Fox Pro dbms or rdbms and why?
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Examples for dbms and rdbms?

My sql, Microsoft sql , Microsoft Access, dBase, Filemaker pro are the examples for dbms and oracle and sql server are the examples for rdbms

When dbms becomes rdbms?

A DBMS becomes an RDBMS when the data contained in its tables are related to one another by referential integrity rules. DBMS - Database Management System RDBMS - Relational Database Management System

Dbms and rdbms?

DBMS and RDBMS both are used for storing data. DBMS is the database management system that refers to the collection of interrelated data. RDBMS define relation between the tables in the database

What is the major difference between rdbms and dbms?

The 'r'

How does DBMS handle concurrent updates in MySQL?

MySQL is an RDBMS.

What are different kinds of Database?

Different kinds of database are: * DBMS * RDBMS

Difference between rdbms and dbms?

dbms stands for data base management system whereas rdbms is relational data base management system. A Database Management System (DBMS) is collection of software programs which enable large, structured sets of data to be stored, modified, extracted and manipulated in different ways. Whereas Relational Database Managemet System (RDBMS) is a data structured in database tables, fields and records. Each RDBMS tables consist of database table rows.

Compare dbms and rdbms?

User see the data as Relations [ Tables ] in RDBMS. Where as the user need to know the datastructures and the methods to access them in DBMS. Both store the data required but how the user perceive the data matters.

Like tables in rdbms in what form data is stored in dbms?

Tabular Form

What are the type of DBMS?

RDBMS,network,hirasrchy etc