

Is Greenland a part of the US?

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11y ago

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No, Greenland is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark (meaning it is basically it's own country but is ruled by a higher power, which in this case is the country of Denmark)

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Q: Is Greenland a part of the US?
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What continent is Greenland part of?

Greenland is a part of North America.

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Greenland is part of Denmark.

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Greenland is part of the northern hemisphere

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No. Greenland is a part of Denmark and is across the world from Australia.

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Greenland is part of North America

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No, Greenland is not part of the United Kingdom.

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It depends on where in the US to where in Greenland.

On which continent is Greenland located?

Greenland is considered a part of Denmark.

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Greenland is part of Denmark, and Denmark is part of the European Union.

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Greenland, but it's not a part of North America...

Is Greenland a contient?

Greenland is considered part of the continent of North America.