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Nope actually chlamydia and herpes are the more common stds.

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Q: Is HIV the most common STD?
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The most serious type of STD is .?


Is HIV a air bourne virus?

No. HIV is a STD.

Do HIV and STD the same?

No . . . an STD is a Sexually Transmitted Disease. HIV infection is just one of many STDs.

Does having an STD increase the risk of contracting HIV?

Yes; having a STD absolutely does increase your chances of contracting HIV.

What type of virus is AIDS and HIV?

aids is an hiv: human immunodeficiency virus. and hiv is an std.

What is the most common protozoan STD in the us?

Trichomoniasis is the most common protozoan STD in the US. Aside from giardia, which is rarely sexually transmitted, it's the only protozoan STD.

HIV and STD free mean?

That a person does not have HIV or a sexually transmitted disease.

Where is hiv most prevalent?

I very much doubt that there is anywhere where HIV is "popular" .. but it is most common in sub-Saharan Africa.

Is AIDS the most common STD in the US?

Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STD in the US, and the most common reportable STD. You should know that not all STDs are reportable, so the CDC doesn't get direct reports about HPV or trichomonas.

What is the most common symptom of an STD?


What STD attacks the immune system?

The HIV virus attacks the immune system and can lead to AIDS.

How does an STD reduce the risk of getting HIV?

STDs do not reduce the risk of getting HIV. In fact, STDs increase the risk of getting HIV. Any STD elicits an immune response. Its almost like ringing the dinner bell for HIV. Most infections pull CD4 immune cells (cells that HIV infects) to the site of infection (usually). This increases the risk of infection.