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Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog was written by Mark Twain. It is a tall tale, and has been published under a more well known title, 'The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.'

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Yes, "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog" by Mark Twain is considered a tall tale. It features exaggerated or ridiculous elements, such as a frog jumping absurd distances, typical of the tall tale genre.

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Q: Is Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog considered to be a tall tale?
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What is the satire in the story the celebrated jumping frog?

"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain is a satirical story where the narrator's encounter with Simon Wheeler, who tells a long-winded and irrelevant tale about Jim Smiley and his jumping frog, showcases the gullibility and absurdity of the characters. Through humorous exaggeration and absurd situations, Twain critiques human nature, particularly the tendency to be easily deceived and the art of storytelling itself.

What is the name of the frog story by Mark Twain?

Mark Twain's jumping off point (pardon the cheesy pun): The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. It was originally titled "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"

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One favorite frog fairy tale is called "The Frog Prince".

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The framework narrator in "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" uses irony by presenting the story as a straightforward account of a frog-jumping contest, while the actual focus of the tale is on the mischievous antics of the characters involved. This discrepancy between expectations and reality creates irony, as the reader realizes the humorous and unexpected nature of the story.

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Simon Wheeler is eager to suggest the bet on his frog because of his love for storytelling and his desire to entertain the stranger. He sees an opportunity to spin a tale and engage the listener by showcasing his frog's jumping abilities. Additionally, Wheeler may also be trying to win some money by betting on his frog's prowess.

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The fairy tale you are referring to is "The Frog Prince" or "The Frog King." In this story, a princess kisses a frog, and the frog is transformed into a handsome prince.

What story has tall tale?

princecess and the frog

What is a frog with a tale called?

it's a baby frog that has a tail. it's called a tadpole.

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The Princess and the Frog!

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Faerie Tale Theatre - 1982 The Tale of the Frog Prince 1-1 was released on: USA: 11 September 1982 Netherlands: 10 June 1987

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What are 2 examples of exaggeration in the notorious jumping frog of calveras county?

β€œ...his underjaw began to stick out like the fo’castle of a steamboat.... β€œ...his teeth would uncover, and shine savage like the furnaces.” β€œ...the next minute you’d see that frog whirling in the air like a doughnut....” β€œ...he was planted as solid as an anvil...”