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I dont think it is but i would like to think so. It was a fine school but unfortunately i have never heard of it.

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No, Malory Towers is not a real boarding school. It is a fictional school created by Enid Blyton for her book series.

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Q: Is Malory Towers the Enid Blyton book a real boarding school?
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Is malory towers in real?

Malory Towers is a fictional boarding school created by British author Enid Blyton for her series of the same name. It does not exist in real life.

What genre is malory towers?

Malory Towers is a series of children's novels that fall under the genre of boarding school fiction. The books are focused on the lives and adventures of the students at a fictional boarding school called Malory Towers.

What happens in secrets at Malory towers?

In "Secrets at Malory Towers" by Enid Blyton, the girls at Malory Towers School deal with various secrets and mysteries including a missing diary, hidden treasure, and a new girl with a secret past. As the girls work together to solve these mysteries, they strengthen their friendships and learn valuable lessons about trust and honesty.

What age did enid blyton leave school?

Towards the end of 1916 Enid Blyton was due to begin studying at the Guildhall School of Music aged 19 but decided against it as she had just finished Boarding School and preferred to train as a teacher

What is the name of the school in the secret series?

The name of the school in the Secret Series by Enid Blyton is St. Clare's. It is a boarding school where the main characters, Pat and Isabel, attend and embark on various adventures.

What sport feutures in the boarding school books of enid blyton?

In Enid Blyton's boarding school books, sports such as lacrosse, tennis, netball, and swimming are featured prominently. The characters often participate in inter-house or inter-school competitions, showcasing teamwork, sportsmanship, and friendly rivalry on the sports field. These sporting events play a significant role in the overall storylines of the books.

Did enid blyton write naughtist school girl book?

Yes, Enid Blyton wrote the "Naughtiest Girl" series, starting with "The Naughtiest Girl in the School." It follows the story of Elizabeth Allen, a mischievous and rebellious girl who is sent to boarding school to learn discipline and manners.

What schools did Enid Blyton go too?

Enid Blyton attended St. Christopher's School in Beckenham, England, as a child. Later, she went to Ipswich High School for Girls.

Which school did Edin Blyton go to?

Enid Blyton attended St. Christopher School in Beckenham, England.

Is Villa Maria a boarding school?

No it is not a boarding school!

What is a synanym for boarding school?

A synonym for "boarding school" is "academy".

Is girls' boarding school possessive?

Yes, the form girls' is the plural possessive form of the noun girl.The girls' boarding school is the boarding school of the girls or the boarding school for girls.